Sanders Proposes to Wipe Out All Student Debt With Funds Raised From Wall Street

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Bernie Sanders is proposing to forgive all $1.5 trillion in U.S. student-loan debt with a new tax on stock, bond and derivatives trades

WASHINGTON—Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is proposing to forgive all $1.5 trillion in U.S. student-loan debt with taxpayer dollars, entering a policy debate that resonates with young and educated voters the Democrats hope to secure for their 2020 electoral coalition.

Mr. Sanders’s plan, which he introduced alongside Reps. Ilhan Omar and Pramila Jayapal on Monday, would erase all existing student debt, including private and graduate-school loans. Mr. Sanders would pay for the canceled...


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Since I repaid all my student loan debt... BernieSanders I would like my money back with the normal 25% interest rate that credit card Companies are allowed to charge. SenSanders When should I expect to receive my 7 figure check for repayment?

Just once it would be nice if a liberal politician promoted ways for all Americans to become more productive and thereby increase everyone’s standard of living. Morons.

Bernie, aggravating the well to do by taxing them more maybe stifles possible future hikes in raising of minimum wage.

Free, free, and more free from this Liar none realistic old man

And a pony!

Well there's Bernie's bid for votes. Is there a higher bid? What about free whiskey and automatically renewing gift cards?

Too bad Bernie is clueless as to the fact his areas he wants to tax are parts of average Americans retirements too. Not just the big bad rich wolf

What I don’t like about your plan Bernie is the fact I’m retired. I started investing in the stock market because all we heard for the past 10 or 20 years is social security would be gone. Our politicians have been raiding social security for years. Don’t raise my taxes.

Just make them pay back the principle with no interest but to say the country will wipe out the loan isn’t right either controlling the cost of the university is a better step

The problem with selective debt elimination is it leads other debtors to say 'what about me'? The idea to tax trading is a populist idea that should be used to reduce government deficits. Cutting government spending is also a populist idea. Particularly salaries to politicians.

They already pay less than HALF of what everyone else pays in taxes .. they can handle a 1% - 2% push . He just needs to stay clear of retirement accounts .. somehow

Stop pimping the kids. 😐

Just a joke

This sounds like a game show😀

Just think, if they would tax stupid ideas, Bernie would be in the top tax bracket!

What about all those people who worked countless hours each to pay for school. So you’re saying they could have just taken out loans with no ramifications? LOL totally fair

It's not this low figure! If debts are forgiven, also, no new debts will accrue, with all tuition being paid for for all time! Cost that, DNC RNC

So... Destroy capital on a global basis. What could possibly go wrong?

Bad idea. What about the people who paid off their debt last year and the year before that. Unfair to those folks. Re-think that proposal. I will not vote for you.

So now we are going to tax, tax, tax to do what pay down debt that others willingly take on to educate themselves ? life owes any of us nothing, let me say that again. LIFE OWES NONE OF US NOTHING !! You get what you work for.

Bernie “Dump Truck” Sanders!!

Exceptional idea. Now this is what leadership is all about.

Politics should be like the SAT, you get negative points for terrible policy ideas. Something like Bernie is not allowed to speak in public for two weeks, that would be a good time out.

Yayyyy two Christmas’

Let's see how many 'creative ideas' the Socialist candidates have proposed so far: - Forgive all of student loans; - $1000 for everyone; - Slave reparations; - Medicare for all; - Free college educations; - Free Pre-K; ... Add them together, US will be bankrupt five times!

Pandering fool.

What a tool!

Fuck that BernieSanders ... Give the students interest-free loans to pay back....Use the $1.5 Trillion towards getting the homeless off the streets, gun control, mental illness & fighting inner city crime...💪 SenSanders CNN davidhogg111

I paid all of my student debt, do I get a refund with interest?

This a bat shit crazy. Public colleges should have to provide reasonable tuition/housing rates. If you choose private, you’re on your own. The are lots of great public colleges.

Who do voters think will pay for these write offs that will add trillions to the national debt? It is the voters themselves who pay the taxes that finance that debt. Why aren’t socialists like Bernie focusing on the spiraling cost of state colleges & their bloated admin costs?

Guess what ppl are not gonna do? Buy fucking stocks. That and this will destroy retirement accounts.

At what point is it grounds for a court to commit him for mental illness.

Because contract law, not to mention individual responsibility, mean nothing to this clown.

That's is coming out of my retirement that I worked so hard for BITCH!!!

I paid off my student loans. Do I get my money way back?

Bernie Sanders boogie man 😵😟😱👾

Taxing the stock market is still a good idea. Maybe get some of the money back that helped them in the GFC.

So those that paid off their student loans would now be paying for those that don't have to pay though losses on their retirement savings.

Wacko Bernie what about the millions of students years ago that paid there Bill.

Let's go Bern wipe out my mortgage while your at it lol

Will he also refund the paid tuition for those who saved for their children’s education yes but investing in the stock market

Goodoldcomrade Bernie always trying to kill off capitalism at every turn

If they could lower my insurance premium- that would be great.

why not have the colleges pay for it not me and you?

Mr. Sanders, you are suggesting to leverage what is not yours for people you don't know. Tell us some other fancy voodoo math equations you are considering.

Imbecilic. Even more imbecilic is the coverage that the media gives his ravings.

The market will love those new taxes. Bernie will put America out of business.

😂 what a good example he will set! Nobody will ever pay their debts again, waiting for another holy savior of the USA again...

He must not be in the market.

Do the people who worked to pay for their education get anything? No, just the ones that borrowed for it. For a Social Demo that seems like a penalty to those that worked to pay their own way. Once again Bernie is all in to giveaways to buy votes. Forget it, Bernie.


Buzz off Bernie. I already have to pay cap gains on the rewards of my risk taking.

He is going to bankrupt America

CancelStudentDebt or CancelTaxDebt on hardworking Americans.

Kick this communist out and send him to Venezuela or Cuba!

Sanders is buying off millennials. The Democrats made college a birthright and voted to give colleges guarantees as well as loosen SallieMae. Now they want to tax those of us who earned the right to attend college and paid for it through our savings, temp jobs,scholarships

Teaching people to run up debt and have someone else pay it. What’s next mortgages , credit cards. Smh

The man clearly doesn’t understand how the housing market works. He wants to send us into another recession!

Sorry but I can see a better way to spend 1.5 trillion than paying off some douche bags BS degree in clay bowl making, Masters in egg flipping and a PhD concrete coloring. Since we are talking reparations, you can pay me back for the loans I paid off!

Yup, free money

Don’t fall for this Americans, he is as crazy as the present one ☝️

Redistribution of debt.

It would be better to pay for it by reconstituting the inheritance tax

Excuse me Zir, I jus spent $40k*4, to learn how to be smart gal & manage my savings (&hopefully others) Into stock, bonds & derivatives & now u fudgin it all up bec 1. Society is trash but also the system fucked up and lent out $1.5 trillion expecting nothing bad to happen!!

Bernie Sanders real job

Go after the high cost of college expenses instead; ridiculous!

F*** Bernie Sanders!

Voluntary contribution to tax dedicated to student loan ; sanders should donate $5 million. SenSanders Bernie put your money where your mouth is., seanhannity

I'm proposing that people be adults, pay their own student loans or go to colleges they can afford... oops, sorry proposing a radical idea. I'm hiding my money in muniland.. can't touch it BernieSanders!! Finance StudentDebt student Bernie2020 politics Congress

Congrats, you're debt free!!! And that company you work for has closed down due to recession

The proposal: ruin the country economically in order too entice voters with free stuff. With this plan, everyone has less feeedom and less money.

More like putting the old tax back where it was, where it should be.

Why stop there? Forgive all debts for everyone- including tax debts and the US deficit.... then watch the world economy burn and the planet becomes Venezuela- socialist paradise

“Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money' Margaret Thatcher

I don't actually believe this guy. Think before you type BernieSanders Trump2020

Communist Bernie's plan will not wipe out the debt. It will transfer it to those who did not incur it. It is theft, which is the foundation of communism. abound a tax on the 200+ colleges and universities who hold tax-free, billion dollar plus endorsements?...

No reason to continue to pay the monthly bill now.

Empty promises are the worst ...

Guess this clown forgot 55 million workers have 401Ks that are invested in Wall Street

This is absurd. I took out student loans I am still paying off. But I have a good job, I don’t need these to be paid off for me at the hands of other tax payers. Make this need based at least or interest free but a blanket absolution of debt is not money well spent

How would you feel if you worked your way through College? Like a sucker.

I and many other Americans saddled with student loan will use the relief to buy a house and send our kids to college when the time comes. A huge lift for all Americans in the form of more disposable income to hoist the economy generally. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Why not? Many were victims of the predatory loan side of banking. Only America exploits their students that way. Disgraceful.

Don’t make taxpayers pay for it, bill it back to the universities with their outrageous tuition rates.

Socialism at its worst! Forgiving 100% loans debt by crushing trading on Wall Street sounds good but it will boomerang by raising interest rates in new loans!

He needs to be in a Nursing home.

He looks and sounds like an auctioneer.

Wow /

2/2 I’m paying full freight for my daughter’s college as my husband and I have saved for 20 years for this. Why does someone else get all their money back?

The heart might be in the right place, but no. There are states that currently have free Junior College with certain requirements and the citizens voted on that. It should be a state issue that taxpayers vote on.

Well Trump has been saying for years that Hedge Funds(derivatives) have been ripping us off and not paying their fair share.

Totally unfair! What about my mortgage! Lol.

Translation: if you have student debt, BS wants to buy your vote. Pandering on a mass scale that only punishes those who pay taxes even more than normal.

now wait a minute good people, Bernie might be on to something...Hey SenSanders how 'bout forgiving the debt of anyone who has been paying a mortgage for over 15 years?

The Clinton background behind Comrade Bernie was rich too. ...

Sounds familiar when communists grabbed power in China. Not worked except for political gains.

Is it to late to rack up student loan debt? I want to get in on that.


So, BernieSanders wants people NOT responsible for bad gov student loans to pay for such bad gov loans. What about those that took bad gov housing loans & lost their homes? Can Bernie find someone to take care of another one of his blunders since he's been in Congress

It’s over $1.5 trillion taxpayers' money. It’s not his money. Don’t get sucked in this con artist scams.

cryptohodler16 Is he paying for the tuition? These Socialists are GREAT at spending other people's money.

How is investing in America the enemy? Why are we treating Wall Street like a Government. You need to fix Social Security first before UNEARNED ENTITLEMENTS. Why not Tax CONGRESS to pay for it? Talk about Pay Inequality.

Why should anyone else be forced to finance someone else's reckless financial behavior? If someone is in massive student loan debt, they must have known they couldn't pay it back so let them deal with the consequences.

Spoken like a true socialist. At least he has guaranteed that he has wiped out whatever remaining chances he has for election. Thank you Bernie.

The Tax should be on the Entertainment Industry of Hollywood, Concerts & Pro Sports. Does Wall Street have Red Carpet Award Shows? Does Wall Street have a Walk of Fame? Does Tax Payers build Corporate Factories or Stadiums for rich athletes?


If the Democrats get in they will make them Pay it all off in Full.

So for those who studied art history at a highly expensive private university, graduated with lots of debt and a trophy at drinking games, and now work selling women's clothing at $15/hour, they get a pass?

If Looney Bernie gets elected, Wall Street crashes about two minutes after he assumes office, destroying trillions in wealth and wiping out investment portfolios nationwide. All to do away with lawfully acquired debts incurred by allegedly intelligent people.

Love the comment section in this article imploding with bitter bitchiness, if you went to college and were able to pay off your debts, congrats honestly, but not everyone have the same background or life circumstances.

He really isn’t bright.

Does this include future debt?

Punish the risk takers, entrepreneurs, developers, leaders, innovators, producers. Makes sense to me🤔. I remember my student loan debt. I remember paying it off. I also remember that no one forced me to take out those loans.

With all these chimeras, Comrade Bernie is going to run out of entities to tax. Next would be to tax the air we breath?

What does Bernie Sanders owe the country? He's never worked a day in his life.

Why not forgive all debt, including the US national debt? See what happens.

Who is the 'holder' of this debt? Just guessing, but it would seem much of this belongs to those pursuing advanced degrees, including future physicians, lawyers, and other white collar professionals ...

BernieSanders SenSanders IlhanMN AOC RashidaTlaib Rather than forgive debt that people acquired with their eyes open why don't you work on getting the interest rates reduced or eliminated? At least then people will have the dignity of repaying debt with honor.

What is wall street won't do it? Clown

A crazy ole man

Well, I paid every cent of my college loan debt. If this insane attempt to get freeloader snowflake vote passes, I will claim a right to reparations for my generation who paid our debts.

With $60,000+ tuitions? Yeah, good luck with that.

The Dems are killing themsleves!!!

So tax people's retirement accounts then? Good grief this is stupid.

It would be nice if the millionaire Bernie Sanders would explain how he would tax stock, bond and derivative trades. I hope he doesn’t forget his actions against Wall Street could impact teacher pensions and people’s savings.

Who will pay for this? Anyone with an investment in the stock market meaning most ordinary working people...millions of Americans have paid off their student debts in the past. Who will reimburse these people? This is a ridiculous proposal by a Socialist fraud.

Kudos to Bernie for at least saying “we are going to cancel all debt” instead of making this about “us vs them” - continuing to divide Americans like the rest of the body politic.SenSanders

Are you going to refund me the cash I paid for tuition? I didn’t take any loans, I paid as I went. So now I get taxed on my savings? This won’t fly. If you are responsible, you get screwed.

Be weary of politicians that create and promote chaos in an attempt to create votes. They are sheep herders.

That hits the entire market. Reduces trading activity. Causes indexes to fall as well as individual savings portfolios. People become poorer. People lose jobs. All things Bernie would like.

Worst idea I’ve ever heard. Go away Bernie!!’n

'Its free! Now all we have to do is find someone who isn't willing to pay for it, and make them.'

Here we go with his free talk and taxes galore!!!!

Wait, does that mean if you paid your loans, formerly, you get reparations?! ;)

Yea wrong bernie

Only those who don't want to live up to their responsibilities will vote for this nonsense. This is NOT leadership, Bernie.

Older folks realizing they will have buyers for their sinking homes 👍

Free everything

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