Bernie Sanders calls for canceling $1.6 trillion in student loan debt

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Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

U.S. presidential contender Bernie Sanders proposed a plan on Monday to cancel $...

FILE PHOTO: Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks during the SC Democratic Convention in Columbia, South Carolina, U.S., June 22, 2019. REUTERS/Randall Hill/File Photo

Sanders, an independent U.S. senator from Vermont, said his plan would wipe out college debt for 45 million Americans and be funded with a tax on stock, bond and derivatives transactions that would raise about $2.2 trillion over 10 years. “This proposal completely eliminates student debt in this country and ends the absurdity of sentencing an entire generation, the millennial generation, to a lifetime of debt,” Sanders said at the unveiling of his U.S. Senate bill.

Other liberal Democrats, including presidential rivals Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro, have taken up the call and proposed smaller student-debt cancellation plans.


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TV Not gonna happen. It's disturbing that promising 'free' stuff gets votes. This would only serve to teach a whole generation to be fiscally irresponsible. No one made anyone take out a loan. JustSilly

TV WorldNewsTonight Editorial Venezuela

TV Will have to give prior students refunds.


TV All your news are delayed by 2 days.

TV More proof of his incompetence.

TV Won't taxpayers end up paying for this debt?

TV and why not? we spend that much on a failed president and his brats to travel and party and plunder the world. why not let them pay for real students with real brains. everyone knows his kids couldn't get past jr. high, so how much did he spend on their degrees?

TV cancel $1.6 trillion in student loans and pay for it with a tax on Wall Street - 'I'd like to see his math on this one'

TV We need new people with innovative and sound ideas

TV Thanks to big-spending, irresponsible Dem politicians, U.S. Debt is $22 TRILLION, increasing by $1 TRILLION per year, with no plan to pay it off. Big debt reduces economic activity & lowers incomes, as do higher taxes. Where’s the $$$ to pay off the $1.6 TRILLION student loans?

TV I counted one happy clapper

TV He can call all he wants, nobody is answering.

TV We need younger people with new ideas and energy

TV No thanks

TV Sure. Destroy the faith of every lender on Earth. Did I mention these student's INDOCTRINATED lifestyle DEMANDS Plastic, SIX YEAR CAR LOANS, and Revolving Charge? Their student loans will be paid at the cost of the rest of their miserable-without-material-accumulation lives

TV Lunatic!

TV Bernie Sanders would bankrupt the American economy but just prior to insolvency, Sanders would inform U.S. citizens taxes need to be 80-90% in order ‘to save America’. Dems, is spite of your feelings for Trump, Sanders would be far, far worse.

TV The new democratic communist party. Rename the party since the party I was part of left me ,I did not leave it! Stop lying and be truthful enough to state the truth or you to scared to own up to it.

TV Obamas playbook. No more mortgage or car payment!!! Pure vote buying. What a tool.

TV He still gunna lose doesn’t matter what ever he says

TV Its just gonna magically disappear.

TV Going to college or university is a choice This man wants those who couldn't afford to go for whatever reasons to pay for those who did

TV Can I rack up a bunch of debt before the election and get in on this?

TV Trying to get students to vote for him

TV Promises = votes! You get in based on something unlikely to occur! If you don’t fulfill it you just blame the other party or Congress for it not happening. Once in office then you promise to follow thru if re-elected!

TV setting the wrong example.

TV Easy to talk the talk but hard to do the talk!

TV What about the people that saved and paid for the kids education?

TV Yep

TV Payoff everyone’s mortgage who didn’t go to college

TV Wow!

TV does Bernie have any other solutions besides raising taxes to fix problems? not very innovative or forward thinking IMO.

TV He is a socialist is he? That's the ultimate cash give away to the Silver Spoon set all on the backs of working Americans. Federally run colleges with Zero or very low tuition might make sense. This is INSANE!!!

TV So punish others because you wanted a loan? Tf

TV what ISN'T he going to tax wall street for? idiot.

TV That is not “cancelling it”. That is making someone else pay for it.

TV more debt for Americans, are we that stupid Bernie ? 🤣


TV Not a fan of Bernie at all but 🤔

TV $16 trillion in welfare to Wall St. Damn right we can spoil tax payers ...but Dems package everything with open borders. Nothing you do will fly as long as you cling to cheap labor

TV Siktiğim walkin d leri :D😂😂😂

TV Yaaarrrrrrrrrrrrmın kafaları,siz değilsiniz

TV Is it really a 1.6T problem or can most of these people pay these loans back?

TV P başkan size💀💓bys canlarım dünyaa s*kime minare G*tümmeeee lan

TV ya - thats not going to happen

TV Oh look Bernie Sanders trying to defund the Wall Street which means other countries will now be free from the economic slavery of the Americans.

TV This is news? Must be a slow day.


TV He should try using some of his own fortune first rather than putting this all on the middle class. Do people who paid their own way through college get an pass on this tax?


TV worldnewstoday BernieSanders WarrenTownHall townhallcom benshapiro

TV Yes, wipe it out but the costs will eventually need to be paid, pay me now or pay me later.

TV The responsible paying for the irresponsibility of the irresponsible. Wonderful.

TV Then who’s going to pay for the debt loss the middle class through taxes

TV If you actually read his policies on his website or the research surrounding them you would realize that they are not only viable, but would be a net growth for the country. What you also need to realize is that billionaire special interests are against Bernie at all costs.

TV Get jobs for the kids - not more taxes.

TV Look who the happiest clapper is behind Sanders. Figures! 🤦‍♀️🙄

TV An observation this is unfair to the parents who paid all the costs themselves or who took out loans or second mortgage on the family home for children's education no one wants to help or reimburse them . Just something to consider

TV Remember the govt holds those loans. We all remember the bank exec's reminding chairperson Waters of that fact when she attacked them over student loans at a hearing they reminded her the govt has thoes loans for years.

TV A reminder that this isn't even an issue in other modern countries.

What a scam! Should have the overpriced colleges refund the fees instead of the taxpayers. A Socialists to the dead end, Bernie.

Don't fall for this crap, America. If you elect this fool as YOUR President, he will increase taxes 10 fold to pay off the Government's debts.

Yes, he’ll wipe out all student loan debts and give you free healthcare, free housing, free food, $50/hr minimum wage, cure cancer, balance the budgets,......

When the government is your sponsor, it will have the power to decide whether you’re eligible for college admission, what you shall study, at which institution, and for how long.

What about paying off everyone’s mortgage

Which bill has he sponsored in the Senate on this? This man is a scam

Great! Very bold and compassionate.

Where exactly are we getting all this money. How about this. No interest if still in school. 1% interest if out of school 30 years to pay back Payroll deduct a % as in child support. Limit loans to tuition, dorm, meal plan and books


And is misusing feminism

People should stop getting stupid degrees they do not help them get jobs. Why get a college degree that you can earn good money with. It’s ridiculous




Oh Bernie go home...who’s gonna pay for it?!

Without a means test? Is he smoking crack?

TV He can have mine!!

TV And I want my hair back. I am all for restructuring the financing of education, but these fantasies do nothing constructive.

TV Trying to get the dumb millennial vote

TV Pure populism. Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing.

TV 🇷🇺 Bernie: I'm 29 years in government. I can promise, blame, complain, but I can't build, create, implement. Vote for me, help me elect trump for another term.

TV Yeah oookay. in that case, he better pay me back for the student loans I and millions of others paid off.

TV We need Bernie as an agitator pushing the policy envelop. He should continue his national rant. But as president? No.

TV Bernie doing anything he can to try and get votes. The desperation is showing. If ppl can't take care of their own debt, why bother with college? neverbernie

TV Hell yeah dad.


TV He will say and do any ridiculous thing to pander to his so-called audience for votes.

TV Good luck to him if he is going to pay for this. An act of great generosity and selflessness.

TV Why doesn’t he introduce this bill now? Because he is full of shit. Pandering for votes with lies

TV Is that the best you can do?

TV Does that include everyone who ever paid a student loan? This is going to get very messy.

TV Sounds good to me omegalul

TV My wife and I were fools to pay for our kids’ education. Where do I get my free money?

TV Old man is Delusional

TV SenSanders says the $700bln bank bail out was bad, but wants to do another on student loans? FYI banks hold the debt, so you’re bailing them out. Who will you give the bail out money too? Sally Mae? Wells Fargo? Etc. it’s 2008 all over. PeterSchiff

TV BernieSanders what's next? Wiping home loans for families? Free round the world tickets?

TV That sounds like a plan. But I still won't vote for the socialist.

TV So he’s giving up his home in Vermont to pay off these bank loans? Nothing is free.

TV And Warren is giving LGBT money and Kamala and Booker money to Blacks. I love how they are giving everyone money to get votes. 😂 unicorn and butterfly party.

TV Why does Bernie always say something unachievable?

TV Wouldn’t that also raise the total net debt? Wouldn’t you also have to worry about inflation? You can’t just keep going to the printing press.

TV Burt turd and many others only see money the can get their hands on, don’t give a shit about us

TV Repayment taught me accountability. Bernie doesn't know the meaning of the word other than..'make others accountable'.

TV Idiot

TV campaign stunt by bernie

TV 🤣🤣🤣👎🏻

LouisianaBernie TV 'According to the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College, wiping out $1.4 trillion in student debt would lower the unemployment rate, create new jobs, and boost GDP by as much as $108 billion per year for the first 10 years following debt cancellation.'

TV Saying anything for votes. politicians

TV How old is he? Should take time off.

TV One word only! Crazy 🇺🇸

TV This will have a profound effect on the housing market

TV Outrageous! The next generation is doomed. They have been babied too much and think everything is free!


TV Does BernieSanders know investment money was taxed already (as income)? And you’re being taxed again on gains, so he wants to add one more? Also, what about the people who already paid their loans on time and fully? Can I get mine back with interest 30 years of interest?

TV I don't think this is a good idea. So millionaires kids that have student loans will have them cancelled? Why? BernieSanders ewarren AOC

TV Anyone who knows what that means probably just gasped in shock while the rest of us are like “cool?🤷‍♂️”

TV yea sure, and all professors get paid no more than 130,000 in salary.

TV What about the kids/parents who played by the rules and paid off their debt seriously

TV Not 'raise $2.2 trillion' - 'take $2.2 trillion'. For the dummies out there this is what a trillion dollars looks like:

TV I don't think that 4 year public college should be free. It should be affordable to everyone ($500-$1000 per semester) but not free.


TV More 'kick-the-can-down-the road' liberal ideas to absorb $1.3T in small down payment over 10 years, just like irresponsible people do with credit cards. How so you think we got to where we are today? It was not a coincidence.

TV That 1.6 trillion should go to border crisis. Democrats are blocking humanitarian aid to illegal immigrants. Democrats are cold and callous. Put money, where it is needed. Democrats are causing this with open borders. They must fix it. DEMS OWN THE PURSE !

TV talk about impeachment this is cause for it. Is he gonna pay me back for the student loans I paid back?

TV What about student loans that would pile up during that decade?

TV Heh, Warren seems to be trying to snatch Sanders platform, well, at least she isn't plagiarizing like Biden is/was/and will be doing again.

TV Nope! Nope! No effing way

TV He is certifiable along with his followers who think he is going to give them something for FREE

TV Lunatic

TV BernieSanders, you talking something good. What about Iran?

TV I'm not, 'not' ok with it...


This guy lives in fairytale land. How does it feel to be following a psycho?

What about paying my mortgage

Worries me you might want to wipe the students away with their loans!

No way my tax money is going to pay for conners useless basket weaving degree from UCLA.

Than dont take out the loan if you cant afford to repay it. Pay as you go and work your way through college. Young folks sure have the time to protest so maybe they should spend that time working and paying back their school loan?

Yes, by making all the people who didn’t go to college pay for the people who did. Great plan🙄

Correct statement would be to transfer student debt to taxpayers....he loves to tax people and spend their money wastefull

Not better way to “Buy” votes...

My sons just paid off their loans, do they get reparations? How is this fair to the responsible kids who paid their own loans off? Punishment for doing their duty, and paying their loans? 🙄 Typical lefty gift giving. electiongiftpromises

Graduates without crushing student debt? Great plan Bernie Sanders Bernie2020

Bernie, who votes every time with Russia and the NRA, isn't going to win the primary.

“politicians are all talk and no action”

Democrat candidates making unrealistic promises of free stuff in order to secure votes.

Not 'wipe-out'. Get Americans to pay for it.

Free candy and a soda machine in every school if he is elected class president.


And this gets paid for how? Delusional.

Bernie “three-house” Sanders is very generous with other people’s money.

TV In a dystopian future with Corbyn in number 10 and Bernie in the White House China takes over control of the global economy

TV This will not work. Bernie gathering votes with his promises again!


TV Wall Street? Goldman Sachs, JPM, Blackstone, Carlyle so on! Good luck! Bernie! Simple minded indeed! That is not how America operates! You will find! No way you can change the operating manual!

TV Dear BernieSanders - Can I get back what I paid for the loans I worked hard to pay off? Can my family get back what they paid to minimize the loans I'd have to take out? Or are we all just out of luck because we tried to limit our debt to a reasonable level and then pay it off?

TV He forgot to mention that someone will have to continue to pay for it for future students-the American Taxpayer. And also that the rich may also have debt written off

TV Crazy Bernie.

TV Not surprising from a guy who the Hag bought off with a house

TV Very stupid idea. Ask the students to present the account of how they spend the loaned money intended for education. If they squandered it, they must pay it back. If they spend it wisely, help them with some relief. Granting complete pardon is not the American way.

TV Every time he speaks, my wallet cries out in pain.

TV Who needs that kind of descetion behind the scenes when draining a swamp Bernie? The swamp Bernie The Swamp. The one the tidal wave chases

TV This jackass does realize the people this would help most is the richer 'white privilege' crowd with more student loan debt, right? What a buffoon.

TV Forget student loans...medicare for all is the most moral action to take...benefit ALL US citizens equally. GOP has had over a decade to come up with anything better than the ACA or Obama care. GOP has no intention of creating a better healthcare than Obama.

TV 'A tax of Wall Street?' Socialists must not be very happy that we have a good economy. Not enough money in their pockets. TaxationIsTheft

TV This pro-Chavez dinosaur is making things so easy for Trump.

TV FeelTheBern

TV Student loan debt is the next financial crisis and will require a bailout

You better go look somewhere else Bernie, these are the LAST people who are going to give out any of their cash. Really you guys are coming up with one lame idea after the other. This is not even going to be close if you guys do not get it together with some workable plans.

Not unless it willingly puts money toward our debt first!

He fails to realize that Wall St has millions of individual investors (like me) so he is just taxing Americans....again.

US Student Debt is held by investors worldwide. Why on earth for example should global pension funds write off such debts thus reducing the retirement income of their members ?


100k and above TOTAL COMBINED HOUSEHOLD INCOME is not the upper class.... That is the start or even below middle class in america today.

BS..... this is not a call for the middle class. TNE average MEDIAN household income is 65k per year. So if that is MEDIAN, then the actual above 65k favored.. That makes most households today of over 100k, so u mean for the lower class or LAZY ?

👏👏 StudentLoanDebt is a crisis in our country! Thank you RepJayapal IlhanMN AOC SenSanders Where are the rest of you SenateDems TheDemocrats? Why aren’t you endorsing this legislation? Where are you my senators SenatorDurbin & SenDuckworth ? And you janschakowsky?

Why don't we bail out mortgages and car payments. Hell I want free groceries and manicures too.



what a socialist clown. Tell the people that once wall street goes down all the people working will go down with it. This happened to Cuba, Venezuela etc., there is no money to pay for freebies.

Democrats need your vote AGAIN, so they will talk about ANYTHING BUT this.....SenSanders

lower the college tuition, that might help everyone.

Let em quickly enroll in four years of college I could never have afforded.

No, Obama bailed out Wall Street with Printed money. But I'm sure his young followers love the sound of this.

What does he think wall Street will do? Government owns the student loans


TV It’s fun spending other people’s money.

TV *Communism intensifies*

TV Bernie Sanders is an idiot... plain and simple...

TV Didn't the LibDems try that old chestnut in the UK only to renage when they got into power.

TV What about families who lived frugally, and saved up for college and students who worked their way through school without incurring debt, or who paid it off already? Or young people who went to trade school to learn a skill?

TV Bernie you are totally nuts. Why should the tax payers pay for all these student loans. I paid mine so should also.


TV What about the students who just completed paying off a high debt loan, or even nearly? Will they be reimbursed? Seems unfair that a “timing” issue would lead to a large group getting debt relief, while others have struggled for years to pay back their debt.

TV This guy and everyone who follows him are delusional 😂

TV Been fun Bernie. Stay well.

TV Reparations for those that borrowed and already repaid? Reparation for those that got turned down for student loans and were forced to work in low paying jobs?

TV Writing a check to black people? No way says Bernie. Write a check to doctors and lawyers for $1.6 trillion to pay off their education? No problem.

TV imagine the disgust an individual having worked their way through school or a Vet having earned his GI Bill benefits being asked to pay someone’s tuition debt -don’t even ask parents who worked their tails off to assist their children

TV Dummy..

TV I'm sure the lenders would be thrilled. No other candidate has more apropos initials than ol' Bern - B.S. 🍅 bernice fullofallkindsofwonderfulexcrement next

TV So many options for this presidential election and NOBODY who is going on LOWER TAXES, PROTECTION OF CONSTITUTION & NO F**ING WAR? How is that possible?

TV What about the non student? They deserve cash.

TV Personal Responsibility *Get Some*

TV If there is no catch!? Therefore, is a good idea. I am not opposed to the social system. Democracy cannot work without social justice.

TV Bernie you do realize we are in debt.. the goverment has been spending beyond it means.. do you care?

TV BuyingVotes

TV House of Sawed.

TV When you know you won’t win, but want to pile up campaign funds

TV Bernie proudly steps in to save people from themselves.

TV And then give what to those that graduated and worked to pay for school?

TV And if that doesn't work, he's moving on to cars and houses.

TV Imagine what the US economy could be if the students strangled by student debt could invest that into something actually useful.


TV Vote for me Free Stuff!!!

TV By 2020 the democRATS will be promising voters their own Chocolate Covered Unicorn

SenSanders you mean forgiving loans where people agreed contractually to pay back? Why? I’ve had to pay mine back.

I am not endorsing Sanders, but I ask all of you who think this is radical this: -How old are your family doctor, veterinarian, architect, municipal engineer, educator, nurse, banker, psychologist, social worker, technologist, etc? They are going to retire just like you.

Awesome. If we CancelStudentDebt there will be more money going into the economy and more people will be able to afford to buy a house and have children if they want to.

How will you pay for it?

Awesom. If we CancelStudentDebt That will mean more money going back into the economy. People will be able to afford homes and have children if they want to.

TheBertoIzzy imagine? But doubt it’ll happen, let alone he win

Really, Bernie I don't think so, people aren't stupid enough to think for one second; least I hope people aren't stupid enough to think that the government would give back money it's laughable....

Hey Bernie we can't all be senators for life.

My god, that's a terrifying shot of Bernie.

Sounds great to the college students until they graduate and can’t get jobs in the tanked economy. Life in mom’s basement?

Could you imagine the economic boost--both immediate and long term--if all those grads entered the workforce debt-free? (ha! Trick question: you don't have to imagine it--it has been done before. Of course, that would require the willingness to read and learn.)

Let Bernie pay for it out of his own pocket.

Yeah, let's wipe out everyone's 401K fund paying for student debt. NOT!! Here's an idea: how about REVOKING the billionaires' tax cut?

This doesn't sound any different than Venezuela!

But like...all that money has been spent by the feds?

The schools hiked up prices the sec the gov got involved. This will happen w UHC as well. The gov does not do well w a checkbook & management. I payed mine back as a single mother w hard work and SACRIFICE. I just put 3 thru college w zero student loans. Gmafb.

It will happen. The cost of ed. Too high ! Kids and parents spend all the money they have. 1/2 are conservative ! They will cross party lines on this issue. It maybe 2024/2026. It will happen.

Yeah why not its only 1.6 000000000 dollars peanuts . Sanders increasingly looks out of touch and old very old .

Hey Bernie... I wonder if my Car Loan can be cancelled to... Please, please, please?

Ridiculous For a man that old to be this childish is almost beyond belief. Course his end goal is yeah🙄

🗳 is coming

Basic reforms are needed: lowering tuition, fees and textbooks costs; lower interest rates; require students to pass a personal finance class/workshop before getting loans; don’t provide gov’t backed loans to “for profit schools”, .....

Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Like in Venezuela, socialist policies of 'everything free for everybody' work only for some time Like in Venezuela the results of such policies are known -- poverty for everybody.

“Canceling”. It’s all magic, folks. Nothing is real.

Jackass said what?

Or's an idea. Choose your college/post-high school options wisely

RG is contagious

Sounds familiar ewarren

He's bribing young people to vote for him. My friends in VT tell me he never keeps his campaign promises, so, SUCKERS!

Bernie Sanders calls for buying votes. I fixed it for you.

How would he pay for it? Looks like he is trying to buy the votes of the irresponsible.

I like it.

Desperate for young voters. Listen BurnJob OUR CHILDREN are 'feeling a draft' right now (Iran, and the Pentagon DESPERATE for recruits). IF you even makes ONE move that looks like you support more tension with Iran (sanctions; You LOVE sanctions), you won't HAVE any young voters

Im not a Democrat but if he could get my student loans cancelled id atleast vote him in for a 4 year term. Lmao. Nah. Ill just die with my student loand

Just like Chávez cancelled millions of Bolívares in debt, then he refused to pay all those debts to owners and broke almost all private companies, universities and investors. Now there Venezuela have to import every good from other countries bacause state companies are also broke

They will pay It anyway, a trillion dollars of inflation in the currency

Why not just canceling all evil in the world? Easy.

Americans call for the canceling of Bernie Sanders nomination.

He's late to the party this time.

These parasites will do anything for power.


yeah sure fine, just add another Trillion or so to the federal deficit, nobody cares too much right, just issue more bonds and get the FED to buy them to prop up the markets...all fine...until it isn't

putin puppet distracting from flynn

So it's a bailout of rich lending companies?

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