Bernie Sanders will propose forgiving the student debt of 45 million Americans

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Bernie Sanders plans to cancel all $1.6 trillion of student debt by taxing Wall Street

Sen. Bernie Sanders will announce a plan on Monday to erase the country's $1.6 trillion outstanding student debt tab.

The legislation will release all 45 million Americans from their student debt and be paid for with a new tax on Wall Street speculation.Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks to the crowd during the 2019 South Carolina Democratic Party State Convention on June 22, 2019 in Columbia, South Carolina.Sen. Bernie Sanders will announce a plan on Monday to erase the country's $1.

The Democratic presidential candidate's legislation will release all 45 million Americans from their student debt and be paid for with a new tax on Wall Street transactions.


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Sounds like a plan, future college educations, how to share the costs?

So glad Bernie is willing to donate 1.6 trillion of his own money! 😋

Funny how all these old dudes promise things to the American people only Sanders I relate 2 is

From wiki quotes : Other variants: The American Republic will endure until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

I hope everyone has noticed, these cockamamie liberal ideas all takes money, nothing is free. This time we tax investments, your money that you earned and invested for your future. Everyone who has a company, personal 401K is also effected. It's not Wall Street its WE THE PEOPLE.

Yea some of us don’t have daddy or grandpa buying Harvard a new building or bribing coaches to get in .

As dangerous on the Left as the current nutbar is on the right. What a sad state US politics has become.

And wtf about wveryone else who doesnt have CURRENT debt but WILL in the next couple of years? Are they just Fd in the A or....

And what about those just just entering college?

Empty words empty promises Trump2020LandslideVictory

Are the students being taught the proper subject matter if they didn’t learn how to repay their loans?


The pandering is insane.

Great idea! Cripple the economy by rewarding poor choices made by ‘students’* & their families. *you have to actually study to be one- most are just being baby sat as they can’t face the real world after finishing high school.

BernieSanders when will you cancel my house payment, car payment. Let me rack of Credit Card debt first the. You can cancel that as well... it’s called self responsibility, sending my son to college and having to pay everything and he is too.. their invested

Why this matters. In-debt Americans can't afford to start families.

So the socialist auction for the presidency begins.


The debt cancellation notices will be delivered by unicorns with a rainbow connecting their ass to a pot of gold...

Jesus I was stupid to pay for my two kids education. WOW

“Wall Street” = we the people. That’s our financial transactions he wants to tax. Everything the Government pays out comes out of our pockets. Anyone who went to college and doesn’t comprehend that should get a refund, not a bailout.

So students who were responsible and did not take on huge student loans get screwed? Nice lesson learned!! Those who worked to pay off their debt get screwed! Giving free stuff out for votes is disgraceful!!!!

SOCIALISM🧐 Student + Home Owners LOAN FORGIVENESS🧐 ideas is as: Bankers + Companies Bailouts❗️= SOCIALISM +Injustice Rewarding Bad Behavior Over&Over❗️4 elites❗️Wondering when❓implemented JUSTICE & Fairness=😍Fair Tax😍 REBATE of TAXES+FEES 4 the past 40 y's 4 ALL Taxpayers ❗️

Another Democrat pledging to use the federal budget to buy votes. Balance the Federal budget then we will talk BernieSanders and before you start, yes you have been in Congress for decades voting to put America in this position.

Oh so doing what every other developed country has done so that the interest and principal burden is reinvested back into the economy towards GDP growth? Barbaric!

Let’s punish those that were responsible... this will drive me to hold my nose and vote for Trump.

Then, I want my Reparations as a student who paid his way/loans off the through hard work. BernieSanders DNC


Never going to happen.

I once supported Bernie, but he seems to be just an older, male AOC ..

But innnspireddd

Bernie old man you forgive the college debt YOU pay!!!

Are all the firms on wall street combined worth 1.6 trillion dollars?

Bernie can plan all he chooses. Will Bernie ever be in the position to execute all of his schemes? Longshot at best.

People should pay back what they borrowed have some dignity

feeling better after i read the full article. successful people will get no relief in this plan, only the ne’er do wells will get their debt forgiven ... whew !!! socialismsafe

ruining businesses for future business men and women.

One of the worst things about student debt is the interest they charge even while still in school. Let’s start there if anything

Strange, but I don’t heard Bernie complaining about the billions in endowments at universities doing nothing but investing on Wall Street.

It isn't going him a dime and he gets more votes. Is anyone surprised?

Maybe government should get out of the student loan business.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you’ll always have Paul’s support. Lotta Paul’s in this country...

No taxes!!!!

It’s over Bernie. Step aside now.

LIES to get votes.

After canceling all student loans, we should cancel all mortgage loans and car loans. That should make US citizens opportunities to have the lives they want.

Buying all the votes Democrats can

Oh come on. Nobody is going to vote for this clown.

Well, I paid every cent of my college loan debt. If this insane attempt to get freeloader snowflake vote passes, I will claim a right to reparations for my generation who paid our debts.

Student credit forces the graduates to create and work. This promotes U.S. development. If the loans were returned by the state, the U.S. will have economic and development stagnation.

Only if there are no more student loans period, Bernie! These student loans are NOT a loan! These loans are a TAX! University Costs are outrageous BECAUSE of student loans. The Truth.

He may not understand MATH.

I hope he pays me back?!

What a winner 🙄

How does this fix the root cause. What, are we just going to make this a generational thing? Need to fix education costs first, then you can “consider” forgiving some debt... in limited cases.

😅😅😅😅for real? chance bernie!!

The democratic party is eyeing 401k’s to pay for their socialist ideas. No thanks Bernie, you will not get my vote.

How about reparations for the people who worked multiple jobs to pay their loans off?

Lol now they're taxing stocks and bonds dang!😁 but the money has to come from somewhere right.

No. No. No. This just shifts the payment onto the market. How do you think the market will react? That’s our 401ks, investments, retirement funds, everything will take a huge hit. So in essence, I’m having to pay for my paid off student loan again. Socialism at its finest.

Hey Bernie, how about you eliminate sky high real estate taxes. What..... that won’t get enough media coverage? I see

This will be a huge boost to the economy. Those that have been disadvantaged by student loans will instead put the money into the economy and spend. I’m watching the US economy fall apart wondering why no one is willing to take action.

He is inadvertently putting the burden on the pension plans.

Idiot. Good way to teach kids about accountability by giving them a free ride. Same thinking as those who want to give participatory trophies. These kids have to learn how the real world works eventually.

this guy just lost all of his votes

Good luck with that Bernie. Your socialist ideas will destroy the country. It’s time for you to retire.

This is hilarious the Goverment created the problem.

Progressive action.

STOP SAYING STUDENT DEBT IS BEING CANCELLED. If I steal money from my neighbor to pay off my car loan isn’t cancelled. My neighbor is paying for it against his will.

How does that 0.5% tax on stock transactions work?

Why stop there, I want my mortgage forgiven, also my car loan, and my visa bill. And while we are at it can you pay my utilities bills.

Everyone on here saying “return my student loan payments” and “I busted my butt for my children to not have student loans” needs to either accept the fact that their success will be shared with everyone or move to a different country. PayMoreTaxes

Bernie... my mortgage... pretty please!

Why Wall Street?

The only way he can get any attention is give away our tax money. He so far off his rocker he has hit his head.

What NOT to do after graduation 🎓

I can see lowering their interest or removing some interest but wait for all the lawsuits for people who paid their loans or didn't get them but would have and gone to better schools or school at all.


Bernie already has made his millions, so it’s easy for him to go after other successful peoples’ money and try to buy votes. Let’s not tax hard working smart people & give handouts to people who borrowed above their means & partied thru college or didn’t learn employable skills.

Bernie needs to think of the unintended consequences. He is not thinking straight. Better plan reduce interest rate to LIBOR and tighten up requirements at student and university levels.

Bernie.... there’s already a program in place to pay for college. It’s called serving your country! Why not spread that message to all the young people out there. I know I know it requires 4 years of work and sacrifice. But maybe they will actually learn A valuable lesson.

Democrats can’t win on the issues so they are trying to buy the election

$1.6 trillion comparing to what the brilliant POTUS has done to the country, piece of cake

it's easy to spend someone else money. This man is a old fool who needs to retire. He has made MILLIONS in the last couple years.

If he cancels my mortgage debt, credit card debt and car debt than he will earn my vote!!! Go bernie!!

But Wall Street doesn't want that (therefore it won't happen)! 🐵🙈🙊

Everything is free. I hope Bernie and several other Democratic Presidential candidates don't run a business. They'd be broke. They are so good at spending other people's money.

Given this and some of his other ideas I see a lot of taxes in the future and not just for Wall Street.

Somebody already came up with that one old man.

Taxing unrealized equity gains is as stupid as the Democratic Party’s economic strategy(I use the word strategy very loosely here).

Pandering to buy votes. PT Barnum approach. Who pays? Whenever Democrats day government pays the mean tax payers. The wealthy I doubt it they didn’t get wealthy by paying for stupid sh—.

Amazing. How this country gets such brilliant leaders. First Trump with tariffs and now Bernie with debt writeoff. China is laughing. If any industry survives this double whammy. It will be a miracle .

Does Bernie realize this is a tax on every single American? We all have 401k plans that grow due to earnings. If earnings are slashed, then our investments underperform, making it more difficult to retire some day. He’s clueless.

Only those students who can prove the loan for education was spend on education can qualify for partial forgiveness. Then, what about those who paid back the loans? The proposal is serving Injustice.

BernieSanders should also pay me something for deciding against graduate school and not maxing out my student debt for financial reasons. The U.S. government should protect me from the downside of any decision I make. Moral hazard is a myth.

So the people who are paying loans and paid them off got screwed. This is so messed up.

How about we cancel Sanders?! He is utterly clueless!

Sounds GREAT!!

I'd rather he cancel my mortgage and car debt.... Jeez O Pete.

و لله الا راجل

BernieSanders I busted my butt to make sure my kids didn't have student debt - sent them to state schools and made them finish in 3yrs. Now Bernie wants ME who trades stocks to pay back other people's loans? Not everyone who trades stocks are rich. I would be out of business.

Why NeverBernie. Bad policy. Regressive, same rate for $100k or 100M. Taxation designed to depress economic activity. Treats financial services as the “enemy.” ewarren plan is stimulative, taxing money that is not in motion. No economic drag. Progressive.

The mind of a Socialist

What do the people get who actually worked hard and paid off their college debt like they were contractually obligated to do. I’m no Trumper, but I’m also completely against outright socialist horse shit like this that punishes success and rewards people for making poor choices.

This is what Socialist do, now lets talk about all who it would hurt. All people with a 401K, all retired people, all pension plans, all stock holders. People who invest their money in hopes of a better future. Socialism isn't American.

BernieSanders is the Chief Loon in the left’s Looney Bin. Would the Left be so bold to suggest these idiotic ideas if the economy wasn’t so solid?

Get it passed Bernie ... show your leadership cnn SenSanders

The students will love this but is their votes enough?

Its not the student loans that’s the problem, it’s the costs associated with the colleges and how they can charge whatever they want.

Bernie Sanders is insane!

Seems fair to all those people who made responsible decisions. When do I get my free money for picking schools we could afford along with gainful degrees ?

How stupid is that 😂

Cheap tatic to buy votes!

Turning higher education into an extension of high school. What could go wrong.

Great idea for Bernie to garner financial support for his bank account.

What about sleepless hours I put to work so I donot have to take student loan? Is he going to reimburse me for that?

If Bernis forgiving debt of millions of students, can he refund my student debt payments?

Ha well there goes my retirement

Is there predatory lending in student loans? Are we giving people money to get degrees that can’t pay the debt off? Shouldn’t just we be more stringent on the lending process? Concerning the lending process only, isn’t this what we did with mortgages in the 2000’s?

Fix our borders Bernie

By stealing money

Wealthy idiot trying to get votes!damnsocialism

I was a single parent who went to school got a job (at $25,000 a year) raised two children and paid off my loans!!! I want the money back with interest.

And the effect on investment and the economy will be?

Under whose authority? Not the taxpayers that's for sure.

bernie 🤔 how to say this... ok. you damn idiot. creating jobs, reducing taxes so companies grow and making sure everybody gets paid for what he’s worth... is the best “gift” you can donate to future generations. 🤫 let them pay their debts. it’s healthy. grows responsibility 😉

I wont hold my breath 🙄

Terrible idea.

Yeah sure.

Good forbid people who borrowed money actually pay it back...

$1.6 trillion in student debt. That's equal to the GDP of Canada. Not sure whether wall street will willingly cough-up so much dough for nothing in return.

so he isn't canceling anything, he's making someone else pay for it.

The buying of votes reaches new high...

I need relief from all Bernie Sanders programs. Tax Democrats

Is Bernie running for dictator of the US? How does he get to 'decide/propose' these things?

OMG, who pay that money 💰?

He starts with his own book profits ...

You mean, by taxing business, which invariably puts the burden back on the consumer. ageofidiocy

You know the Dems' next bet is to say 'cancel all credit card debt because you were too stupid to know any better'

Yea by taxing the people that have the competence to actually make money.

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