'Only the beginning': Hundreds protest Western University vaccine mandate

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Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

A student organizer behind Saturday's protest against Western University's COVID-19 vaccine mandate says the demonstration is “only the beginning” in the push to overturn the controversial policy.

Hundreds of people gathered on campus to hear speakers denounce the London, Ont., university's decision to mandate at least three vaccine doses for staff, students and some visitors.

Organizer Kendra Hancock says she hopes the demonstration will lead to public negotiations and further student consultation over the university's rules, which also include mandatory masking in classrooms. Speakers included a former professor at Western-affiliated Huron University College, who says she refused to comply with the school's previous vaccine mandate, as well as the Haldimand-Norfolk health unit's acting chief medical officer of health who has been an outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates.

Students carrying a banner reading “Enough is Enough” led a march around the university grounds as campus security looked on. Just as the march neared its end, some demonstrators split from the organizers and briefly took over one lane of traffic for a block along Western Road before dispersing.A group of Western University students hold a protest against the school's COVID-19 mandates on Saturday Aug. 27, 2022. The London, Ont., university announced Monday that anyone on campus in the fall must have at least three COVID-19 shots and wear masks in classrooms.


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Do not like it stay online. Other lives matter too

I'm glad to see this. I was wondering if any students had the courage or curiosity to step outside groupthink. Universities, it seems, have been outputting conscientious conformers who parrot what they are told, but not many critical thinkers.

Once again...Thank you students4agency for standing for freedom AND against these UNSCIENTIFIC mandates ! Thank you Dr. Martha Fulford, strauss_matt , DrJuliePonesse & AndrewLawton for speaking at & supporting this important event! EndAllMandates ! NoMoreMasks !

Congrats Western! You've become the laughing stock of worldwide acedemia and devalued the contributions of all you alumni. The blame lies with the self-serving tenured cowards. Just change the athletics team name to Western Unics.

abikhalil_t Great that students start acting by themselves - if these mandates had happened in 70s or 80s a world revolution would have happened - wake up boys

Anti vax? Fine. If you get seriously sick, you pay for your hospital bill. Don’t make the rest of us pay for your “freedom”

It’s evil that vaccination is and has killed people Now you want to kill and disease more People and the students that are our future

Look at them! They're all grandparents. (Well not these ones, but the ones photographers selectively took shots of being spread by covid cult).

It's imperative that this organization be financially destroyed. Western University must be personally sued per member of administration

First world.problems!They have no idea how lucky they are even to beable to obtain an education!

Over 28,000 students and 100s showup?A minut number.🤪🤣😜


Hundreds of non students, Who aren’t even in town yet mostly.

Not students. Conservative activists.

Stay Strong Western!! Safeguard the health of Everyone on campus!! This Alumnus Stands With You!!

Interesting to see that the students who haven't yet received their full education from the University of Western Ontario, already have more common sense than the institution that is supposed to be educating them in the first place. hmmmm

LyndaE222 EnoughisEnough WesternU If you're afraid of Unvaccinated children but you're vaxxed, it's time you retired.

I don’t know a single unvxd person who regrets it. I do know many who have been jabbed who do—including the 5 (!!!!) youth who know have heart issues.

Look at you is reporting that hard? This is the radicalized freedumb convoy , NOT students…

I want to see proof of enrollment

At 1st we were told they’d prevent transmission+ contraction—they either lied to us or they were guessing. Both are wrong. Youth aren’t hi risk. Booster is obsolete. Western got millions in govt $ for this. Re masks: only properly fitted N95 w one way valve single use works.

It's time to build separate schools and hospitals...

Maybe they get kickback from Pfizer, by millions of dollars.

teacher_choice Keep it up!! Never stop fighting!

When your a university you can choose to mandate whatever you want. Not run by the government , it’s a business and businesses can require or not require on their premise , just saying


erdocAA Great! About time young people found their voices and are standing up for rights! WesternU mandates are absolutely unscientific and absurd, and what they have done to students in the last two years is disguising

erdocAA Bravo!!! 👏

Something HAS to be done to stop the left! They’ve already gone too far.

All profs need show up in person this September. No more on line BS. Kids are mingling on campus, in residences, and now need in person classroom experience to build student learning relationships, do labs, and group tasks. Back to “normal, right, Lecce?

great is reporting this. It’s about time

Good job kids. Keep it up. You're starting to see the bs. I like.

All of these stupid covid mandates have to go, it's that simple. Not just universities, all of them.

Please look into these people and confirm that they are indeed students at Westen before printing misinformation

Lots of old cronies planning to attend Western. Guess if you don't like their rules.. withdraw.. go elsewhere. They are not the only university.

Excellent!!! I’ve been wanting University students to do this since they imposed these mandates to attain education. Great job!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Hundreds does that really mean thousands? I don't trust your reporting or counting becauss you always lied about the other protest and the lie was clear

Honk if you agree with this guy! Trudeau: “If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. But don't think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.”

You notice videos posted about this? Most of the “students” protesting look like middle aged white men and women. Lol

Should be happy to have the chance of going to university

Whoever supports this, its not because you fucked up and got jab way too quicly and now regret it that you should take everybody else down the hole with you

I’m pretty sure these students received vaccinations when they went to grade school and high school?

Canadians need to wake up and support and join the Western University demonstrators in every city in this country , we must stand united and strong and fight for our rights and freedom folks, wake up Canada, Enough is Enough…!🇨🇦🇨🇦

Vaccine didn't stop (or even slow) the spread, pointless mandate...

Say it loud EnoughIsEnough

Institutions can make their own rules. They are free to attend elsewhere. I wish my board pushed masking and vaccines so I wouldn’t have to wade into a cesspool of germs every day. Good for Western!

If they lift this mandate they have to lift every other vaccine mandate.

Good, education already comes with a price, is terribly discriminating others the answer? Perhaps that’s why education has frequently been non inclusive and is still only skimming the surface of becoming completely diverse and totally truthful!

Enough is enough! Western University 👍


Hey Fox24, don’t you have better news to cover?

Good for them! I hope more join and it gets louder and louder 👏👏👏👏


Good. People keep backtracking on the vaccines. They don't even know what to do anymore.

The West is founded on free choice and autonomy. Yes, Covid affects others, but the risks are not high enough to cancel individual freedom in this land. China can do what the F it wants. We are not Asian! You can drive alone or run in the streets in masks, we see you and LOL u

If the masks actually protect an individual, why are we not saying make your choice? As far as the vaccine goes, well, I know more then a few people who have had medical issues since having the first two shots. Stick your booster where the rooster don’t cacaaaaw!🖕

Lol I doubt there were hundreds. People are legit throwing away their education, careers… all because they refuse to get vaccinated. It’s like they all conveniently forgot vaccines have been around for many, many years, and that Ontario public schools have always required them


Western u is discriminate so we should all show the rich Prez there how we go weeeee on his school

Canada is trying too hard to be the USA


Conservative media is the worst. Cluckbait garbage.

These aren't even students.

No shoes no service! CdnMediaFailed antivaxxers FreeDumbConvoy Freedumbers NeverVoteConservative NeverVoteppc rupasubramanya

Good. This mandate is illegal and unscientific. It is pure discrimination.

Tuition elsewhere

Hmm.......what are they fighting for....their right to be in the stupid curve.

All the Ukraine flags in here hate the students


Next they will coerce you into getting the bivalent jab come Christmas.... Every student should be against this...vaxxed or not. Time to wake up...

Where are the politicians standing behind the student's? What Western is doing is disgusting.

hundreds, 75 percent of whom dont attend the uni

lick yer motha

in Ontario, Canada anything could happen because—even with world-class epidemiologists, vaccine and infection control experts—fordnation and his lackeys managed to turn Ontario Health into a mega agency run by mediocre and inexperience people CTVW5 nationalpost TheAgenda

Good for them! EnoughlsEnough

What were all these folks doing on campus at a 'student' protest 🤔

I would take my money and go to another university. My mind is stronger than my feelings. I don't have time to beg, move on. Replies ignored.

Holy cow ! liberal bot trolls haha

Oh ffs they need to get over themselves. Choices have consequences.

God bless you all!!

Good on you students!!!

Good for them.


Cool so why were they protesting in Queen's Park because Western is faaaaaar away from there and they're just making a bunch of noise screaming about nothing

Good. Western is going against the science current Ontario guidelines. Western needs to stop this nonsense

That looks like way way way more then hundreds. Can't you guys report a bit of truths?

Oooh hundreds out of thousands. How many are attending medical school?

Try thousands, not hundreds. At least get that right...

Mags_0618 Hear hear

Good for them, it’s very obvious discrimination for absolutely no logical reason. They’re putting the students health at risk by trying to demand they take a dangerous shot that does nothing for transmission anyways.

Will students get their money back if they want?

Provincial funding but get to make their own rules? How does that make sense?

How to predict who will be bottom of their class

'Only the beginning': Hundreds protest Western University vaccine mandate' Release the full disclosure of vaccine side effects first! Why does Pfizer have a 75 year indemnity!! After were all dead! .

Wow.. Hundreds 🙄🙄 Go to another university, you have a choice us it.

Yet if the people protesting get Covid 19 then they will blame it on the school and everyone else.

Just withdraw and enroll into DeVry. Stop complaining. Nobody cares. These protests are getting old.

Oh my God. Freeze the bank accounts. Send in the calvary. LOCK THEM UP! 😆 🤣

Time to give them all refunds and go to the wait list

Hundreds? Really? Why not report the truth that there were thousands who were there.

Awesome! Enough is enough.... anyone mention the 39 million to Western for such legislation

Then I guess they can get their schooling outside Canada

Lol. 200 of the 35,000 students are upset?

Is it? Daughter’s boyfriend has been away for a week for a course for work, so far 15 of them have covid….

According to Kenney, they’re welcome to come to Alberta. Our universities don’t care about the health of their faculties or students. They’d fit right in.

Good for them!!


Good, this country has gone to 💩

What's their policy on date rape drugs use in residence? Asking for a friend's daughter who was sexually assaulted last year....

Should be thousands.

Vaccine Mandate is very important to community’s Student to all level, if do not want it, go to other Country or University

Wuck Festern

Go kids!!!


So less than 1% of the students...a normally low and ignorable percentage. Also likely many are not actually students. While I think Western is being excessive, no one cares what the loony fringe says, they can go to school elsewhere if they are capable of being real students

Poor kids I feel for them they don’t realize they live in satan/Lucifers world. Keep walking around pretending like this earth isn’t supernatural and the holy battle isn’t real. You guys will learn soon enough regardless. This fight is coming to every soul and every doorstep.

Black students are the most affected by this policy and Liberals are openly supporting it.

Management should be fired

Covid is still around. Two very good friends of mine were anti vaxers. I use the word 'were' as they are no longer with us. Covid took them.

Let's dive into the science of the vaccine. Sit down. Talk. Break down the virus. Both sides. The data and decisions aren't making sense to me, I want to understand.

What’s wrong with all the comments. Come on. Canada where are you?

hundreds .... ok .... disgruntled few

shut it down media Trudeau doesn't pay you for this bring out the scientific blowhards to shame the covid jab resistors


Does this make any sense?

This is crazy !should be reversed !

These students can choose or not choose to get the vaccine as easy as they can choose or not choose to attend another university. Vaccines are not just to protect you but everyone. Just as the polio, meningitis vaccines protect you and others.

The university did a low blow and informed the students after they paid their tuition and rejected the other schools they got accepted into. So enough with the comments that they should have chosen another school. The school did them dirty once they got the money.

If only ppl marched like this for affordable housing

100’s, who cares, 1000’s go there and these people are selfish and ignorant and don’t care about anyone but themselves!

Less than an hour's drive from each other. Science!

They have the choice not to go there. Fixed it.


Okay. These students have a choice. Comply with the university's rules, or find another university. These are supposedly smart students, you'd think they'd want to be kept healthy. I guess not. So, they can go find another educational facility that doesn't have mandates. Simple.

You don’t protest good vaccine, you should protest ineffective vaccine by corrupted big pharmaceutical companies. Research Enzolytics Inc., they said vaccines won’t work, virus would mutate and they’re dead right about it. Support good company.



Seriously? It’s a vaccine. It’s to keep people from getting really sick or dying and keeping vulnerable people from getting virus if you’re a carrier. They qualify gif university? Can afford to enrol? Yet protest vaccine mandate? Doesn’t make sense.

More sheep falling in line with whatever the government tells them to do. They'll be great civil servants one day.

Really ? Does not bode well for these students who still think the earth is flat -one of the things you will learn at university is to recognize what you dont know and listen to people who are actually experts in say for instance infectious diseases

Yup a student !!

The jackboots of the London Police were there to crash heads if necessary. Great state of democracy in Canada.

An undergrad enrolling for a 4 year program, will need how many shots to graduate? Any math genius’s here?

As they should. This is how democracy is supposed to work.😎😎😎

Hundreds protest, thousands don’t

Mandates successful at limitong risk of covid. Freedom choice dont come into play when deali g with an epidemic

and yet none of these 'students' out there protesting the rising cost of tuition and university education. Why can we not have rates like Quebec or like most of Europe? I would think that would be more worthy of a cause no?

They are wrong for this. They should have informed students of the vaccine requirement months ago before these students made the commitment to attend this university. It’s a low blow from the university. Good for them for standing up to this nonsense.

Free-dumb. Infected higher learning too. Never mind the virus infecting a good % of the Province right now. Freedom is wearing a mask if you feel like it. ✊

Conservative 24 on the wrong side again

It should be way more protesting this discriminatory and unscientific mandate. This “institute of higher learning” is doing nothing but closing the minds of the next generation of leaders.

And rightfully so. This mandate undermines the integrity of necessary existing and future health policies.

Makes Sense The Problem Isn't COVID It's The Love ❤️ Of COVID MSMDefcon101 ❄️😜🎈🤡 ArmageddonWatchzzzz Aladdin’s 🇨🇦 Banana Republic 🇨🇦 BlackFaceHitler 🤡🇨🇳🧦🎈🍾🌴

“Hundreds” - lol. The school has over 20,000. So, almost everyone agrees with the mandate

Only university forcing a third shot that never worked the first two times. Pathetic. There is ZERO science to support this infringement on a person’s bodily autonomy. This is clear discrimination against any students that wish not to be further experimented on.

About time

They 'do not believe in science, who are often misogynists, often racists, too; it is a sect, a small group, but who are taking up space, and here we have to make a choice, as a leader, as a country,' said Trudeau.

I recently listened to a debate among Western students who were for and against mandates and frankly, I don’t know how the “against” group even made it into University. Zero logic and horrible communication skills. I was embarrassed for them.

Forever thankful I graduated uni in 2020. I feel for you students goin through it rn lmao this shits ridiculous

One party has to give in

325FREEDOM Why protest against a vaccine that doesn't stop infection or transmission

Rightfully so!!!

28000+ enrolment. 100s protest. Enough said.

And yet no one is protesting the carbon tax or illegals in Canada. Sad.

Pick another school

Did you vaccinate to save your life and those around

There’s so many other schools.

Lemme guess, less than 10 were actual students/faculty?

Wha wha. Time for the entitled to stop whining.

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