Western University mandating booster dose, masks in return to campus

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Western University says staff and students returning to campus next month will be required to wear masks in classrooms and have at least one booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

The London, Ont., university has issued an updated policy that requires a booster dose — usually equivalent to a third shot — for students, employees and visitors to its campus.It says students living in residence who do not have a booster before they arrive will be offered a two-week grace period and "easy access" to a campus vaccination clinic.

Western also says masks will be required in instructional spaces, except when people can remain two metres apart. The university says it will reassess after the Thanksgiving weekend, "with the goal to lift the mask mandate as soon as possible." The policy comes weeks after the University of Toronto announced it would require those living in residences to have a booster shot, and recommended all others keep their vaccinations up to date.


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Good. Use all the tools to limit the spread of COVID.

It is crazy. Students are being forced to get 3 rd shot. Pfizer Western university is the only one mandating booster in the world.

Western is getting a lot of criticism today: 'the science does not support it'. Really Surprise. These universities also require triple vaccination.

All universities should follow.

Based on what science? Also, made a decision after the tuition was due. Shameful.

What great timing to implement this AFTER collecting the school fees. 🙄

Go to western university like a clown in your face diaper.

Based on Politics - not Science!

Of course they are. Naturally it happened as soon as they received a 4$ mil dollar grant from the federal government

what's the harm in that - at least they get back to class!!

Why doesn't the universities check for other 'mandated' shots?

Masks give you the FREEDOM to stick your tongue out at anyone and everyone at any time for any reason. Don't let anyone take that freedom from you.

Not a fan of mandating booster dose!


Haha what a joke

99.7% survival rate !! ✅

I hope people fight this.

What booster will be required?


Just follow the money, pure corrption.

Good luck with that. Anyone who will still attend this place is deserving of what they'll be subjected to.

Still violating peoples medical rights and choices. 😒

Well...now we know why they are doing that.....🤨

Good! What about all the Bubbas And Darlenes? Where r they going to go to school?

WesternU just disgusting. Take your communist crap elsewhere....


i'm sure there are only upsides to this 🤡

Care to comment? WesternU dkotsopoPHD students4agency

They could've given them more notice, especially taking there money then announcing oh you can't come to class if you don't have a booster? Money grabbing twits

dkotsopoPHD WesternU This is disgusting. Shame on you.

Rapes are okay though right WesternU


Cancel Western University

theghost_ofmask Disgusting University, sue for discrimination


Are people going to now protest academic requirements to attend programs at Western? Don't like it, pick another school. Schools can pick and choose requirements in order to attend 🤷‍♀️

This is so awful and wrong. We all need to contact them and stand against this.

This BS isn’t even trending in other countries. Canadians are polluted zombies. Universities need to drop the virtuous god complex and move on. Quit selling propaganda and weak promises printed on fancy paper.


Pathetic. Well parents don't send your kids there unless you want them to have heart issues and be infertile.

BoycottWesternU plain and simple unless you want to keep get poked like a stuck pig.

Absolute disgrace. They can go to the bar and everywhere else with no mask and no injection except to get an education. An absolute fraud.

University must be getting some type of funding for this?

Death shot!! We all know!!

Who in their right mind would want to pay thousands of dollars to attend a university that makes medical decisions for them? Especially vaccines with no long term side effect data. The short term data is scary enough. These universities and Pfizer are making $$$$$$$

Who cares if thousands of young adults drop dead from vaccine reactions right. The university will get its millions from Trudeau for implementing these requirements. Freaking teachers are as corrupt as Trudeau.

Where are all the 'there are no mandates' 'freedumb' people? Mayor of Peterborough et al

is it necessary BernieSanders data pewresearch

This is total BS!!!!!

BKHARRIS12 Disgusting of a University to further coerce students who Gain NO Benefit from Vaccines and All Risk. Howcmany Drs have died in Canada especially Ontario since C19Vaccines became available-- 17...WHY are You Trying to Kill OUR Kids?

The ironic thing is… those upset about this have never done a day of post secondary education and could only get into a university to use a restroom. It’s really odd that this story would upset the flat Earth Queen Dildo followers.

It is appalling that an institute of higher learning is mandating masks, 'vaccines' that are risky and ineffective.

We will see how long this lasts.

Money 💴 talks But the students will win the end!

Let them do that. They will see their student applications decrease significantly in the next couple years. Bad move for them.

This is despicable behavior for an institution claiming to uphold democracy and critical thinking. The students/staff who generally have no statistically risk from this virus are forced to take a high risk experimental vaccine booster, with no proven safety or efficacy. Shameful.

Laurier is right there with them

Need to pass a bill that prevents schools from forcing anyone to take an Injection to attend ... Disgusting ! Fascist leaders , health providers and officials

This is an absolute disgrace to the education system. It is a well known scientific fact that children of that age group is not dying from Covid so why would the university require another shot of this vaccine that is hurting kids that age

Anti science

You can still get a full tuition refund

lmao wtf , still going on with this madness for no reason at all

Does Pfizer owns it ?

Ontario's Chief Medical Officer recommended against young, healthy people getting more booster shots. The same advice has been given by the top medical officials in countless states and countries. Why is UWO different?

Don’t send your kids or your money to this university. It’s a weak institution lead by the blind and obtuse prepared to segregate society on the basis of a private medical decision. They will reap what they sow giving into mindless mandates like this.

Sflecce as a parent in Ontario, I’m requesting you please review your plan with these same Drs.

Insanity. The COVID vaccines have never gone through a proper long term safety study, which is 8+ years.

Save your money kids, go somewhere else.


WesternU is deranged and ignoring the science. Mandatory masks and boosters will do nothing to stop transmission and infection. The data already shows us this. It’s just discrimination



Wow with all the information out there now about the dangers of the injections, and that age group at highest risk, they should be charged. Crimes against humanity!!!!

This needs more media and government attention. Coercing students and staff into taking boosters is unacceptable. CBCNews CNN CityNewsTO FoxNews realDailyWire RebelNewsOnline RebelNews_CA TheTorontoSun globalnews globeandmail nationalpost ONgov ldnontmayor

How does this make any sense? Can WesternU explain how this improves student and employee safety. ICYMI, you can still transmit and get Covid with a booster. You are placing student safety at risk with known associated risk of the Covid shot. followers - void of logic.

Criminal. Last minute again. No signs of intelligent life from the soon to be extinct faculty.

Kids...take a yr or two off off school...work, play, enjoy...wait till this fiasco is over

There are atil people out there that thinks vaccines work, poor souls.

Student strike!!!

More bull shit

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest

N95 masks should be worn in all indoor public places. It shouldn't be mandated, it should just be standard practice like washing hands after using the bathroom or using condoms for non monogamous sex. This is the new reality. CovidIsNotOver

boycott the third dose you dont need it. people are reporting third dose causes health issues. but the government is turning blind eye to this......

Less than 2 weeks before school starts and people have paid tuition and given up their other spots at universities? Switch and bait. Not a good look especially on the booster front.

Universities are becoming more irrelevant with each passing day. Nothing but communist promoting hell holes.

Trust the $cience! GoodbyeImmuneSystem

Bring Lisa Laflamme and her manager back!

Why send your kids to an institute that has no ability to think critically or analyze data?

Stupid is stupid does. Universities can do what they want. No science needed. Degrees can be bought online anyways.


Wow! Scratch this school of our list.

Maybe WesternU can provide a single RCT showing that cloth/paper masks have any useful efficacy against transmission of ANY respiratory virus? Well Western, do you have any? Oh that's right, you don't because none exist. Challenge them . Ask them this question.

I used to think smart people attended university .

Definitely not gonna send people there with those ridiculous rules.

This is Kind of a joke. You can get 10 boosters and still you can get infected and infect others in exactly same way as unvaccinate


Thank you Trudeau.

Congratulations to Western! queensu please announce you will do the same to protect your students and staff.


CMON. We are literally trying to move away from COVID. All this is going to do is cause more tension and anger in that university. We all know how that ends, cough cough last year.

Regardless of your position on COVID-19, forcing people to be vaccinated, with poor communication efforts to prevent fake news, and imposing draconian lockdowns, without protecting the financially or mentally vulnerable will be case studies for historians.

how totally screwed up! masks again? are you kidding me? and a vaccine that has been proven to not prevent transmission? EpicFail

You have till sept 1st to pull out and get a refund

They should refund everyone that’s already paid tuition then? People have already paid that don’t have the booster so what happens then?

This is so great!!

This is about as bad as having a maple syrup enema and falling ass backwards into a pile of fire ants.

uOttawa where u at?

i would love to pretty accept your campus as my cottage .. Thank you

Total Hogwash. Transfer to other Universities would be my recommendation!

Shame on Western! Hope students don't put up with this BS


Vaccine mandates are wrong for many reasons

A complete joke. Obviously nobody reading the truthful research.

Covid vaccines have saved tens of million of lives, and will continue to do so. The right move.


Western University sucks

Time to boycott

Since when is the price of freedom based on having to inject ourselves multiple times with vaccines that don’t stop or prevent spread?

Lmao that’s the stupidest shit… why is this “pandemic” so trendy. It’s fucking over



Garbage University .. will be a Low student count.

Self assembling - bio structures are all the rage ☠💉☣

This is wrong (and this coming from someone who supports vaccine and masks). This will only serve to make more Pierre the Pigeon voters.

SHAME on them! SHAME on you reporting this BS !!!)

Drop out kids! Save your money and health and possibly lives. Learn a trade or go to a school that doesn’t force you to make risky medical decisions to be able to pay them to attend. If there is a risk you should have a choice. WesternU

Imagine, the year is 2045 and universities are making students wear masks , and have there 1 millionth booster to be allowed to learn about choice in a school that has taken away that choice. You want to wear a mask, wear a mask . That needs to be a choice, not forced!.

And people still think this is about a virus. Wow.

Absolutely insane. If the vaccines/boosters actually worked... You wouldn't need to wear a mask. And if you need multiple shots/boosters that don't actually prevent infection/illness/transmission?

Shame on WesternU

Insanity. The pandemic is long gone.

What an absolute joke!

Very bizarre decision

Only in Canada. Unbelievable. Every Country moved on. Done. Nada. Finish. Nope. Not here.

Do you think they have any scientists in their faculty? Lol!

Share with friends make this go viral

And this is why...

Horrible. We are moving backwards

Check out students4agency. They're sticking up for student rights at Western University and advocating for choice.

Meanwhile, CDC finally admits no difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed. Also, possibility of vax injury increases if you've had covid then get a shot putting many students in danger of injury. Purely political Western.

Finally some common sense!

Communist Canada can't go to university unless you follow orders..

Pathetic and disgusting! Healthy young adults are not at risk from a bloody flu/head cold, but they are at risk of heart probs and blood clots, even health “experts” agree! fordnation this is not right, forcing vaccines on student if they want to continue their Uni education! 😡

Yes, and check out what we received at uofg.

Then they need to continue to offer online classes

Right after tuition payment was due👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

Good job!


This decision is unlawful, and discriminatory. Western better brace itself for some legal action.

Hope you students are smart enough to wake up from this communist police-state nonsense and say hello NO. This is a conditioning tactic. Theses so-called health officials and politicians couldn't care less about you.

What a fucking Woke Joke

Lawsuits to return to states as well

There's still mandates in this country. 😵‍💫

Damn, western turning the clock back to 2020

What a bunch of bullshit. Watch the other schools follow suit. The students need a walkout


Liberal university going tyrannical WesternU

The students should perform a walk-out ceremony until these clowns come to their senses.

Disgusting tyrants...

Disgusting!! Shame on them

WU is right next to University Hosp. Twice an outbreak at WU caused the hospital to be basically shut down which delayed my husband's heart surgery for 10 months. He almost didn't make it. These are the people directly affected by a virus that isn't over. Not you whiners.

This was the prior mandate before vaccines. So we for vaccinated and now your pulling this again, screw off

That is so unbelievably fucked up.

but good to go for all the STD’s you can handle

This is a joke, right? With the CDC coming out saying it screwed up, that jabbed or unjabbed equally transmit the same-we are to believe an institution of higher learning is beholden to thugs instead of truth. Puh-lease!

Ideology over science. Embarrassed to call UWO my alma mater.

Excellent news.

Makes sense 🤨😐 This announcement also followed by a university name change from Western to Pfizer U 🙄

Good god

Rise up students, you have the power. Or forever be slaves

Follow the money. Who signed up for this?

And you University of Windsor UWindsor? CBCWindsor CTVWindsor

Just go to a different University they will change the policy specially when they see all the money they lost.

Jab up those GMO silver spoon dbags.

The duty of civil disobedience is long overdue. “Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone.”

A university that believes in science.

Why are young healthy people forced into this?! 😡

This is disgusting and the division continues.

What’s the opposite of prudent?

Absolutely disgusting.

This is wild

TorontoMet you're up!

Who cares


COVID is over. Except in Canada.

Masks? Good God 😂

Way to go Western!

My condolences 💐


Notice how they waited until after the tuition deadline to announce this? Criminal behaviour

This is illegal.

Academic ivory tower ELITISTS still FEAR MONGERING

moebrien McMasterU time to step up. The current policy is negligence. The current plan is to not separate roommates when they test positive for COVID-19.

UofT ?

Based on what Science?

fordnation needs to step in and stop this train wreck at Universities. Follow your Chief Medical Officer’s advice, for love’s sake!

Not good. Not good for anybody.

This will help keep kids learning face-to-face. It’s wise, and it’s a great financial decision & keep kids present & participating.

Working the numbers game for the sake of...what? Coordinated death and destruction?


Pretty smart move.

That's a joke! Should not force teens and young people into making a choice like that vs opportunity at an education! Western should be able to site stats as to how many students have died from covid while vaxed / unvaxed.... 0!!!! So why force a booster - my body my choice




Make them feel financial pain. Lots of schools to choose from or go to American schools. There’s no need to tolerate this nonsense.

Denmark has banned the vaccines for 18 and under. What science is this

Cut off government funding then.

Evil on full display.

Crazyyyyyyy 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

Ignorant comment alert: “it’s a choice not coercion. Decide to follow the rules or don’t get an education” 🤦‍♂️🤔

What a joke

Lol Masks forever!!

It’s a very good idea and so easy for everyone!

I am so excited to go back to campus I’m already on booster five and double vaxxed will I be having to get another booster?

Oooh transfer schools

They are purposely injuring students with the vaccine - it must now be assumed. Where there is risk, there must be choice.

Vaccine mandates are seriously still a thing? This is so fkn lame and pathetic.

This vaccine is not good for anything, how long will the booster lasts? Mandates makes no sense right now

Oh we are still pretending vaccines stop transmission I guess 🤷‍♂️

These universities are failing institutions. Pull yourself or your kids out

Pathetic....I wouldn't let my child go this school. Not a chance...people shouldn't give them any money or funding.... Just pathetic


Western U. Off the list for my kids. Ahhh.. vote with ya dollars 🤣

Western now off my daughter's list of schools for 2025. That was easy.

What a joke

What a disgrace. Fire them all.



Not the population at risk and doesn’t stop infection. Not smart Western - but it’s always been optics at that school.

I just got on the crowded shoulder to shoulder City Bus with 50 plus people for the 500th time during the pandemic, and no one has said a thing or showed any fear. Strange, Planes, Trains and Western University are high risk zones though. Cute. 👌🤡🌍

The government funds universities for a reason

Canadians are TOO COMPLACENT

I wonder why?

If I didn’t already throw out my alumni donation paperwork, I’d certainly be doing so now. WesternU

This is insane & sick on so many levels

Oh that’s ridiculous!

Dopy Liberals do not seem to be able to differentiate a cloth mask from medical grade PPE. Why is that? Who is going to get sued for suggestion use of none medical grade cloth masks as PPE? How serious can this be that we need vaccines that do not work, & cause blood clots?

Prevention! We don’t know the future however, better to be safe and help stop lockdowns,families and their senior families members. This is not over.. visit a LTC home

Just change schools..Covid is long gone..

Fucking non sense lol

Canada's dictatorship. You don't have to get it... but may we make your life shit if you don't. No school or career for you!

Have the students tried the pull out method?

If they don’t, how else are they going to get large sums of grant money?

Because WesternU is bound and determined to not look at data and continue to impose ineffective restrictions and vax measures. No due diligence or consideration of potential damage. Unscientific and unethical. Experimental injections must be offered without coercion/ punishment.

Remember when everyone was promised a “two-dose summer”?

Korry Sickening 🤢

It concerns me that a University doesn't understand this failed vaccine. This is not scientific based at all and as a student I would feel my education is at risk by professors that support this.

That’s bullshit

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL The Problem Isn't COVID It's The Love ❤️ Of COVID MSMDefcon101 ❄️😜🎈🤡 ArmageddonWatchzzzz Aladdin’s 🇨🇦 Banana Republic 🇨🇦 BlackFaceHitler 🤡🇨🇳🧦🎈🍾🌴

Watching the same group of clowns who love to call people snowflakes cry in the comments is my fav film genre

Majority of people angrily commenting on this probably couldn’t even get into western

Probably not your best choice of school if you want to take Science…. Or tell the truth…

People shouldn’t be forced to get a booster shot

because - science

Can we stop with this insanity?

The folks making these decisions need to be named and shamed and runout of their jobs. It’s absolutely reprehensible what they are doing to our young people.

Korry Since the vac has failed to prevent transmission, it sure seems like critical thinkers aren’t wanted at this university

Just so you know you can get your tuition back in full if you opt out by sept. 1

Why are people liking this article?!! You are lost souls. Coercion for medical therapeutics is never OK!

Stand up for yourselves students.

Smart move, only about 1% will disagree! And nobody cares about the fringe anymore


They must think they are super elite

Here's hoping this blows up in their faces rather quickly...

How can they mandate against provincial health guidance? Time to pull public funding from these woke nazis

They’re coming for your kids

Excellent now let’s see the others follow…..

Hopefully they don’t offer any courses related to science 🤡

Students, stand up now or they will do it with the 4th and 5th and so on……..

Any other University in the world doing this?

I'm as pro vaccine as one can get, but this is fucking stupid. All data suggest that after a couple of weeks, booster cannot meaningfully reduce transmission risk.

Lol what a joke.

Booster for what


Shame on Western.

Lmfao Western is a joke

This university must not have any science classes.

That's seriously fucking insane lol. Wow.

First shoe to drop

How much money is big-pharma shovelling to the Uni?

cc DrJBhattacharya

Absolutely despicable!! If those shots worked, u wouldn't continue to need more. They do NOT stop infection or transmission! EnoughIsEnough

SCIENCE please?

I don't get what the all fuss is about, *only* 1 in 6 young people experienced cardiac arrhythmia after getting the shot, not 1 in 3 like these antivaxxers claim!

Good luck lol

No data to support any of this.

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 /  🏆 30. in EDUCATİON

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