Feds' Plans To Slash Billions in Education Funding Will Weaken Future Workforce

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

With legislators poised to eliminate essential investments in K-12 education, how can we make sure our youth are ready for the future?

To sustain our strong innovation economy, our country must have a deep, highly skilled, diverse talent pool. That means that all U.S. students need an outstanding K–12 education that fosters the key durable skills, STEM competencies, artificial intelligence literacy, and digital fluency they will need to meet employers' needs and thrive in workplaces. We can't put off instilling these skills in college—not every workforce-headed youth goes to college.

Defunding Education Research and Support for Data-Driven Decision-MakingIn the week of July 29, the House is expected to vote on the Committee's proposed plan to defund the Regional Educational Laboratories program, which leads research to learn what strategies improve teaching and supports school and district leaders in using data and research findings to boost student outcomes.


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Education Education Latest News, Education Education Headlines