Inside the two-year fight to bring charges against school librarians in Granbury, Texas

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Bodycam video obtained by NBC News shows portions of a Texas constable's two year investigation as he worked to prosecute school librarians for distributing books he felt were obscene.

The law enforcement officer spent months methodically gathering evidence. He leafed through thousands of pages and highlighted key passages amid reams and reams of paper. He wore his body camera to record his interactions with witnesses and suspects. And he photographed what he saw as instruments of the alleged crime: Books. The targets of the investigation? Three school librarians in Granbury, Texas.

The idea that school librarians had been handing out pornography in a town like Granbury — where many folks identify as conservative Christians and 80% of county residents voted for Donald Trump in 2020 — seemed far-fetched to some locals, but London committed himself to investigating. In an interview with NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth that aired last year, London said the probe was simply a response to the complaint from Lowery and Brown and not driven by his own views.


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