Are branded school PE kits about to disappear from uniform lists?

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Expensive branded items bearing school logos could soon be taken off school uniform and PE kit lists

Two out of three parents say secondary school uniform is too expensive, according to a new survey. And more than half struggle to afford primary school uniforms.

So news that branded items could soon be removed from PE kits and uniforms may be welcomed by many families. How many branded items could schools require under the new rules? The government has yet to confirm the exact number of branded items schools will be able to require under the new rules. But, before coming to power, the education secretary Bridget Phillipson, said she would like to limit the number of branded items to three.

'Too many families tell us that the cost of school uniform and PE kit is too expensive – no child should be prevented from taking part in sport because of its cost,' they said. 'Participation in sports is dropping off – and if you then add to that the fact that students might be anxious because they do not have the brand that their friends have, I think you'd see a bigger drop off,' he said.


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