Western Cape schools transfer process opens – details for parents

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

The Western Cape schools Grade R and school transfer admissions process are opening as of 1st August 2024. Here's what you should know.

While Grade R admissions can be performed online, school transfer applications must be dropped off in person.

According to a statement issued on Tuesday, parents in the province who wish to apply for Grade R or a school transfer can do so from 1st August 2024. “For admission to Grade R, a child must turn six in the year that the child starts Grade R,” the statement reads, adding that supporting documentation is also essential, including:ID, birth certificate, passport, study permit or proof of application or police affidavit; and, parents who have not registered on the online system previously must first register on the admissions site, then they can proceed to begin applying.

School transfers cannot take place online at this stage, unfortunately. They must download the application form from the Western Cape Education Department’s website and then take it to the transferring institution.


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