Teenager sentenced to life for murder of 15-year old Alfie Lewis

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Bardia Shojaeifard stabbed Alfie Lewis to death 'in full view' of young pupils leaving school.

Bardia Shojaeifard stabbed Alfie Lewis to death ‘in full view’ of young pupils leaving school A knife-obsessed 15-year-old who stabbed another boy through the heart on the way home from school has been locked up for life. Bardia Shojaeifard was only 14 when he killed Alfie Lewis, 15, outside a primary school in the Horsforth area of Leeds last November.

‘We laughed, danced and smiled, we loved each other for 15 years and I thought we would for the rest of my life.’ In a statement read to the court, Alfie’s older brother, Antony Lewis, said he was his ‘loving and caring little mate’ who ‘never deserved what happened to him’. Nicholas Lumley KC, defending, said the crime was ‘out of character’ and that Shojaeifard was the son of ‘utterly decent, loving parents’.


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