The 'outwardly normal' teenager with a 'worrying interest in knives': Picture shows Alfie Lewis'...

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CCTV footage shows Alfie Lewis walking before he was stabbed to death by a 15-year-old close to St Magaret's School in the Yorkshire town. A 14-year-old schoolboy admitted to stabbing the youngster.

Killer Bardia Shojaeifard posed with knivesThis is the 'outwardly normal' 15-year-old killer who stabbed a teenage boy to death in broad daylight.

Shojaeifard was handed a life sentence, with a minimum term of 13 years before being considered for release, for killing Alfie in Horsforth, in Leeds, last November. Another photo shown to the court had the boy holding a knife and wearing a scarf around his face whilst on holiday to his family's ancestral home.

During the trial, prosecutor Craig Hassall KC said Alfie had been walking down the street to meet friends at the end of the school day when the defendant attacked him.But the well-spoken defendant told the jury he was scared of Alfie following two incidents in the months before. Alfie Lewis and his mother Heather Lane. Today, Ms Lane wept in court as her son's killer was sentenced to life in jail with a minimum term of 13 yearsThe 15-year-old victim's grieving mother Heather Lane hit out at her son's murderer and said she would 'never forgive' Shojaeifard.'No sentence will ever be enough for you because Alfie is never coming back and I will never forgive you.

Lifting the restrictions which previously banned Shojaeifard from being identified because of his age, he said: 'The question has to be asked, how it can be that it has come to this? Ms Lane wept as she told the court: 'Alfie was my youngest son, my baby boy, my little mate and my gossip column. 'Some of the things I miss the most are the simple every day things. I miss his kisses in the morning, goodnight and all of the ones in the middle.

'Alfie used to call me every hour when he was out with his friends talking rubbish. I'd do anything for that phone call now.'I can't accept what happened as the pain is too much. I don't know how to live without him and I don't want to. I don't know why this has happened to us. Read MoreBREAKING NEWS Pictured: Machete murderer, 12, poses with 16-inch knife tucked into his trousers 'Alfie would never use or never had any kind of weapon because I brought him up better than that.


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