Biden administration freezes over 8 million student loans after federal appeals court blocks Save repayment plan

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Education Education Headlines News

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The decision follows a whiplash of rulings last month in two Republican-led lawsuits seeking to end the Saving on a Valuable Education program.

Biden administration freezes over 8 million student loans after federal appeals court blocks Save repayment planA federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Biden’s new student loan repayment plan, leaving millions of borrowers enrolled in the cost-cutting program in the lurch.

In a post on X, Bailey called the appeals court decision a “HUGE win for every American who still believes in paying their own way.” He said Save is an “illegal student loan plan, which would have saddled working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in Ivy League debt.” On the same day that Ross handed down his injunction in Missouri, U.S. District Judge Daniel D. Crabtree in Kansas blocked the Biden administration from cutting the monthly payments of Save enrollees starting in July.


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