Respect, excellence and friendship: Olympic values celebrated at school

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

William Brookes school publicly celebrates the sporting talents and achievements of its young people during the school’s Sports Awards Ceremony.

In a school where the very name evokes images of the modern Olympics, it seems only fitting that at William Brookes School, named after William Penny Brookes who founded the Wenlock Olympian Games and inspired the modern Olympic Games, the athletic excellence of its students would be recognised.

2024 has been an outstanding year for sports at William Brookes School. The school’s enviable resources, including running track, swimming pool and astro, make physical education a key feature of the curriculum. The breadth of the extracurricular offer was recently praised by Ofsted and enhances what goes on in lessons.

In netball, the Year 8 team won the County Cup, with Y7 and 11 coming in at a very respectable third at county level too. In athletics, Grace Gray, qualified for the English Schools this year in the hurdles; she came an impressive 13th.


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