Kamala Harris Seeks $315 Billion to Raise Public-School Teacher Salaries

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Kamala Harris proposed a plan to give the average public-school teacher a $13,500 raise, addressing the gap in pay between them and other professionals

WASHINGTON—California Sen. Kamala Harris is proposing a $315 billion plan to increase pay for public-school teachers, an effort to address the gap in pay between educators and other professionals that would financially reward a loyal Democratic Party constituency.

The Harris proposal, the first from a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to address public education through high school, would aim to provide the average public-school teacher a $13,500 pay raise, an amount Ms. Harris’s campaign said correlates with the gap...


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Are you kidding? Get Washington out of my backyard.

There is no gap in pay! Teachers will ultimately make far more in their life than those in higher paying jobs. Pension and benefits!

So, my question is how will this be paid for? OH MORE TAXES?

Other professionals work most of the year. They don’t have summer off and all of the other holidays that teachers enjoy.

Does that raise come with a new performance review system?!

It's called supply and demand. Private school teachers typically earn less than those in public schools, yet the children perform better. The Federal government has no place in education.

I’m sure Bernie will give every teacher a $20,000 raise and free Volvo.

How does she plan to pay for it?

Where is she planning to take that much money from? 🙀

A noble gesture but where are the performance benchmarks?


Needed. Long over due

Right, I want 3 to 4 months of vacation as well! Not!

Sounds like she’s running for junior high class president. Give away free stuff so I can get your vote. The question we ask is who are you going to rob to pay for it?

Just add it to the Dems tab! Of wait, that would be the American taxpayers tab!

My town can’t afford to pay teacher pensions anymore. The baby boomers retiring now failed to leave a world profitable enough to pay for their own promises. They left future generations holding the bag, on a planet that’s becoming uninhabitable. Greatest generation to the worst.

Congress must pay back Social Security!


Wow! Isn’t education a state responsibility?

Good Luck! Sincerely

Yes. Build solid foundations. Learning, health, business.

There is no gap between teachers and other professionals. Other professionals do not get 1/4 of the year off in vacation time. No other professional gets 2-4 weeks off for Christmas/Winter break, 2-4 weeks off from spring break, every national holiday & 3 mos off in the summer.

Oh isn’t that nice pandering to teachers, well I want to see police officer’s, fireman ..ice officers get a pay raise to $15-$20,000.. or maybe a pay raise for every mother, a $20,000 check every year to every mother in the country.

Will other professionals also receive 2-3 months off every year?

the bribe America tour for a win just keeps on rolling, so they want illegal immigrants to vote felonious rapists now even children to vote what about the dead? Dems tax them they should vote and everything is free don't even have to work if u don't feel like it. Dems r scared!

Pick her democrats, she’s a real winner.

Lol I haven't done the math but the average worker probably gets 15 days of vacation a year. A teacher gets about 2-3 months. I'm not saying they aren't underpaid but what's 3 months of pay? Probably close to $13,000. The problem is the school system in general.

I love our teachers, but standardization of pay is unfitting to varying degrees of skill, location, and class size. If you really want to make a difference as an individual buy $25 in school supplies and drop it off at your neighborhood school. Seriously try it.

Those candidates look like in Latin American countries: candidates promise and give : bag of food, blocks, roof, raise salary, free money to single moms, etc...

Vote for Pedro and all your dreams will come true.

That should spike the Teacher's Union Contributions.

Other Professionals work a full year!

If I got 2 to 3 months off, I would take a $13,500 pay cut.

Who’s paying? More pandering for votes with money we don’t have.


The comments here that the people who are responsible for educating our kids are already paid plenty are priceless.

Can we give more money to the schools so teachers don’t have to buy supplies for our kids of their own money?

So KamalaHarris you pour out hardworking tax payers money to get your votes. Can you get any more cheaper please? Are you already running out of ideas to run this country?


Fishing for teacher votes. Oldest trick in the book. Promise to give people $ in exchange for their votes. Nice thing is as a politician she doesn’t have to pay that tab when the time comes.

As long as she is taking that money back from the unions I think it's a great idea

Offer everything, anything including freebie to get elected.

Where the hell is the educational lottery money going to

Just a payoff to her corrupt, teachers union co-conspirators. We already spend more per student than any country on earth. How about start with cutting bloated, fat, over-paid admin staff to get the money to pay teachers more?

Just resign. No one believes anything that comes out of your mouth. She lies 24/7! Disgusting!

PANDERER! She must be trying to get the teachers’ unions’ VOTE! Even though what she unlawfully proposes will never happen!

Where is the payment plan? I'm all for teacher raises. However, what area of the budget is she planning on decreasing funding to make it happen. Buying votes is also illegal.

Where I live, average teacher salary is between 74 and 83k. That's not bad for at least 2 months off in summer, a week off in Dec, Feb, and April, plus holidays and if it snows enough, they don't have to get up and go to work.

Democrats will lie and tell gullible voters anything to get your vote. Don't believe it!

Can we fire those that cant teach? Cen we get rid of tenure? Can we pay based on performance? Can we measure performance?

You mean like Doctors and Lawyers? Ridiculousness.

This isn’t a Fed issue. At best this falls under the 10th Amendment. Teacher salaries are determined by the cities/counties they work for.

Biden/Harris, the Democrat “Dream Ticket.”

Interesting way to buy votes

You can't buy enough votes.

Amazing that Republicans think so little of teachers while they protect Wall Street, 'global elitists' and corporations. Keepem stupid so the Koch organizations can push charter schools.

Free stuff for votes.

Democrats herd running for nomination has so far: Promised Medicare for everyone Reparations for descendants of slaves Minimum guaranteed income Large wage increase for teachers Free college education It’s only March of 19, how much more can they promise? Where’s the money?

She has done the most delusional Democratic on earth,say anything for a vote and then it won't pass 😅

It always makes sense to fund local activities by taking money from those localities, subtracting 20% in compliance costs and sending it back to those localities. Nothing -- not even schools -- should be outside the control of the federal government.

Feds are broke. So this would have to be more deficits or unfunded mandates to states and school boards.

A huge giveaway to teacher unions with out tax dollars. Yea that’s gonna make our kids smarter

I would be for that if I hadn’t gone to school and didn’t know it was glorified, state-enforces babysitting. They deserve a raise for taking a job with over 3 months of paid vacation?

Where will Kamala Harris get the money for those pay raises?

Tax and spend. Parents need to inspire and teach their childern

DemocRats working hard to BUY the vote of minorities, teachers, and other groups.


I have not read one tweet or listened to one speech by Harris that doesn’t include huge spending proposals. All Democrats have their hands out like seagulls, mine, mine ,mine!!

School parking lots all over the country will look like a new car lot showroom - of course, taxpayers will have to pay for it.

In the real world individuals get pay raises based on merit not a government giveway

Panderers gonna pander.


When I was of school age, schools had both GOD and corporal punishment. Now both have been removed. You can see difference. IN stead of teaching text books, students are taught reality TV shows. Wha will become of our republic?


So, she's giving 315B to teachers, paying people's rent, free healthcare, giving away cash with the lift act, the green new deal, etc. That's one big money tree she found.

IanSams Really! And her tax plan will take 70% of that so what’s so good about this plan

Every Democratic candidate is trying to find some social, ethnic or other kind of group that they think will bring in great numbers of votes by promising to give, GIVE them supposedly FREE money. Do I hear “vote buying”? She can’t deliver.

So higher pay for some at the cost of higher taxes for all?

This is longer overdue.

Right, because everyone should make exactly the same salary. Even if they work only 75% of the year.

Let’s first come up with a system that determines what a good teacher is and what a bad teacher is. I’ve seen them all and every school has a bunch of both

Good idea.

There are thousands of worth causes to help any number things. Politicians should use some prudence and fiscal responsibility and tell us how they intend we should pay for their pie in the sky ideas.

Is there anyone these empty suits won't try to pay off for a vote? SenKamalaHarris is bereft of any ideas other than feed the trough and bilk the taxpayers - no thanks.

Who gets that bill? Meanwhile kids graduate not knowing their actual rights, can’t read or do basic math. Winning?

Other professionals work 12 months a year. Teachers are about 8 months with summer vacation, Xmas vacation, and spring break. If you adjust the average teacher salary for working 12 months, they are right in line with other professionals. What’s the problem?

WSJ/FOX'NOISE/MURDOCK---Thanks for pointing out that Kamala Harris is looking for ways to improve government spending OTHER THAN to build a STUPID WALL---OR Keep CHILDREN IN A CAGE---OR SPECIAL INTEREST GOALS!!!

Well then, I want the summers off and every known holiday in the world like Teachers. Only then would I consider it.

I’m running for POTUS. Vote for me; you get a $100,000 raise, I PROMISE! Who’s in?!?!

Man, imagine if we could all march into a job interview and flat out bribe the employer into hiring us. Then imagine not even having to pay the bribe yourself...how much would you offer....a lot right?

Not a very original way to buy a few more votes. The usual method of the alt Left clown candidates.

Buying votes. Teachers are paid locally.

Better investment than a border wall

I'd investigate HER HUSBAND & his business partners if I were you. Not pretty.

Same old schtick, give money that isn't yours to the spoiled-rotten over-paid public sector to get votes. The downward spiral and leave nothing for the future.

Not to teach common core crap

Dear, If Someone is saying 'He can CHANGE the World in RIGHT direction'. How would you react? 1- One Mad, Deranged or Mental health patient is sending Junk tweets? 2- Let him try something New? Why you shouldn't believe him? May be Its happening first time in this World?

Someone please Tweet me back... like... 'What The Hell Are You Talking About'

Dear Brother & Sister, Please give me one Chance to fully CHANGE this World in the RIGHT direction.

Yes Brother/Sister......My tweets are no way related to the current tweet but I would kindly request you to read it and focus on all these major issues in this World and Do some Root Cause Analysis.

No need to Join Politics to serve our Nation. You're KING. You can serve our AMERICA better than any Politician. C'mon Brother & Sister..........Let's CHANGE everything in RIGHT Direction.

Don't look at Politicians......You have full capability to do everything. YOU ARE STILL SLEEPING. ......GET UP BROTHERS and SISTERS. ....WAKE UP...WAKE UP.....GOD ASKED ME TO WAKE YOU UP......OUR KIDS'S FUTURE IS AT STAKE.

I'm not Ideal AMERICAN but with GOD's grace I don't have any of the bad habits mentioned in my Tweet. One day I'll Write, Act and Direct one Movie produced by Bill Gates / Melinda.....to motivate our Kids/Youth. ..share ideas to make this World as Peaceful Planet...Pray for me.

When will you teach our Kids that Smoking, Alcohol, Drug, PORN, Premarital Sex and Extramarital Affairs are very Bad habits and when will U explain their Consequences with Logical points. First you've to QUIT these bad habits then only U can ask them to become an Ideal AMERICAN.

Why don’t you use that money to give them a full time aide in the class. Putting a teacher in a class with 30 students, sometimes more with no aide is ridiculous. Yes, they have more money, but are the students taught well

Dear Brother/Sister, My Question - WHEN ? ....... Production of MOVIE...... to motivate our young generation to get freedom from all bad habits (Smoking,Alcoholism,Drug,PORN,Premarital Sex & Extramarital Affairs). .........to share the ideas for creating a peaceful world.

Ahh, that explains his rather agressive speeches Homeincoffins

If Gov't is not interested to do so then ask them Not to CRY for several Crimes and Not to blame Police Dept. One Police per person is impossible and furthermore Police is also One among us.Ask them Not to live in Fool's paradise.

Buying votes? Doesn’t matter Dems don’t keep campaign promises. The only one who has actually is President Trump.

Please push the Gov't to include one chapter in our KIDs Textbook to show 'Smoking,Alcoholism,Drug,PORN,Premarital Sex and Extramarital affairs' are very bad habits and explain the CONSEQUENCES with Logical points.

Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug, PORN, Premarital Sex and Extramarital affairs are Good habits for you but Could you please add one chapter in our KIDs textbook to show that these are very BAD habits and Explain its CONSEQUENCES with Logical points.Please show your MERCY for our KIDs.

Our America is no. ONE because of BRAIN (Intelligence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine).It is NOT because of Alcohol,Drug,PORN,Premarital Sex and Extramarital affairs.Pls ask Youth..Not to USE our great success generated by BRAIN to show this Lifestyle is CORRECT.

Greedy grabbie gimiees again

Will her plan also include the educators being required to work the additional 4 months the a year that other professionals currently work or will teaching still be a part-time job?

The teachers union is the biggest failure in America. They have produced lower results year over year than any other industry. We rank outside the top ten in all categories yet have the highest costs. Results = more pay not socialism.

Dems just keep on giving, with other people’s money.

Well that’s one way to buy votes... she’s actually running for President?

Yea sure

I used to think in my 60s I’d take a pay cut and teach HS. Starting to look like it will be a raise.

Not the role of the federal government but she doesn’t understand. She’s a disaster

But if public school teachers are all union members, and their salaries are netlgiated by the unions, she’s just proposing to give $315B of taxpayer $’s directly to the unions in the hope they actually give that money to teachers...

She also said she will not attend AIPAC but had them in her office instead. Total hypocrite.

Now do Nurses.


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