Is young people's mental health getting worse?

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Social media and school pressures are often blamed for a rise in young people saying they need help.


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Yes due to draconian Pc.

As a college psychiatrist I'm convinced the trend is real, and think one of the major forces driving it is our modern diet. Refined carbohydrates + vegetable oils and not enough meat = inflammation + nutrient deficiencies + insulin resistance of the brain

And don't get me started on discipline. I was born in the 60s, in its day that generation was the most rebellious and least disciplined ever. The same folk I keep hearing lecturing millenials and 80s-90s kids about discipline like they were army regulars in the trenches. Rubbish.

From experience yes. So many young now robbed of the chances afforded to the preceding generations- by the preceding generations. Shame on boomers and folk my age, what a nasty mess we are making for these young folk. I hope they get chance to forgive us.

Look at the world today. You really have to ask? Everyone's mental health is getting worse.

Is the Pope Catholic?

How can it possibly be when their minds have been the most under-taxed items in the entire country ever since we instituted a comprehensive education system?

Mental Health is taking more seriously now that is important. But social media are also harming youngsters and adults who let it dictate their lives.

I can't help but feel those that do have actual mental health issues compared to those who're unprepared to deal with life will be invalidated and looked over as 'just another snowflake'. It does an injustice to true sufferers.

My school and I are doing the 3 Peaks challenge to raise money for ChildrensMentalHealth via teessidecharity and would love support from anyone who feels as strongly about this as we do

The youth of today want everything right now and went they can’t get it, it does their head in. Their bad parenting is to blame. They are not taught proper life skills and have be come weak. Life isn’t easy and never has been. Stop looking for the easy way out

Blame IPhones , Instagram and Xboxes for the demise

Surely being able to chose from 78 genders is good for young people’s health?

Social Media to blame


Better that they're honest about it than growing up to be the miserable tossers on Twitter slagging off teenagers in the comments of every bbc article.

No. Just more public

No. We had problems when I was young but we didn't whinge continuously. It is easier to blame others and outside influences than to try to take control of one's own issues.

No shit Sherlock, let me see they are obsessed with their phones, they are being toll there's more than one sex, they barely have any real social interaction,

Get off the iPhone get of the social media, get off the sofa, get out join a club, if your busy and active your Brian is busy and active, if you sit and compare, and your feeing down your thoughts will bring you further down,

Or perhaps more people feel comfortable to speak out?

Well maybe if they got off their phones/social media/xboxes and play stations went out and interacted with people face to face it may be a whole lot better. Being hammered by schools isn't helping, let alone the constant peer pressure that is enough to screw up a young mind.

Parenting apparently we're doing the right thing!

Everyone’s is.

When you’re told you can be anything you want to be and not put in the extra effort and then grow up in a culture where Everyone is rewarded even for coming last, then get out into the big wide world and realise, oh shit! This is different!

We need to take the politics out of education & leave it to trained honest intelligent knowledgeable people with no vested interests i.e. NOT MP's

Young have lost real communication skills due to social media

Thanks to parents wrapping their kids in cotton wool.

I do have serious doubts about the future with so many pathetic youngsters around nowadays

Culprit IS Sparing the Rod ! Parents Are the Coward part of Culprit ! tedcruz JohnCornyn marcorubio nytimes

Social media is doing it.

NO,they are just molly coddled and need to get real,LIFE IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN HARD

BBCWorld bad parenting!

No they are just not made aware of what is expected and where there boundaries are, no you can't be anything you want to be, but you can be as good as you can be at something you want to be, far too many people giving conflicting information to kids nowadays, especially on gender

BBCWorld 2/2..about things they don't have the experience of and parents are afraid of telling the child what and how to do things

BBCWorld I should imagine so, as they have no rules, boundaries or discipline. They are being asked to make decisions about... 1/2

Children wrapped in cotton wool by parents, with no discipline & control. Then when faced with real world problems they can’t handle it & are offended by everything. Mixed with a prospect of a clouded future, low job prospects & too much social media.

In America it is. America’s mental health service is give them drugs. That’s it or it seems.

In my view, young people’s mental heath is a public health issue in the UK. The magnitude of this problem unfortunately remains unascertained due to undiagnosed MH and young people not meeting the threshold. A major area of concern being young people in care and leaving care.

listen here. mental health is in fashion. will be gone in a few months and youll all be saying your all diabetic. what a load of rubbish.

you know what ,yes ,you know why,because of tecnolligy moving to fast,they cant cope with this and trying to learn at the same time,

Of course it is. The standard of living has never been better... but there are so many factors out there contributing to mental health. If you can't keep up with it, you're left by the wayside so quickly.

Yes because they have to put up with all the political brain washing if parents don't stand up to all the crap young kids now are in for a rough time when they get older

I don't think it's getting worse, but rather the stigma revolving around mental health is decreasing. We're much more likely to open up to people nowadays.

The tidal wave of propaganda from the bbc is enough to send anyone round the bend...

No, always been there. It’s just the fact that it’s easier to bang on about it nowadays

They're not allowed to fail. It's name, blame & shame. That mental anguish has to be crushing.

There is a plain and obvious link to the rise in mental health issues and the advent of social media, I'm in my 50s and Facebook left me feeling depressed and inadequate for the first time in my life. Deleting my account was a huge weight off my shoulders.

There are certainly alot of attention seekers broadcasting it on social media, because I'm sure that's a priority when you are suffering a mental illness.

All mental health is getting worse. Life today is just like living in a pressure cooker which is waiting to explode. The Govt has created such a hostile environment of such high expectations from everyone. Education, work, etc. Family life is non existent with little fun in it.

Yup but imagine the closure of social media would lead to mass suicides

They are sometimes told that whatever they imagine is true, just because that’s what they believe. I’m sure that helps!👍

Youngsters of today don’t know the meaning of the word “no”, they then reach a certain point in their lives where they hear this quite often and don’t know how to cope with it.

n o t NECESSARILY y e a r s AGO the B B C n e v e r HAD a s h o w L I K E vicderbyshire

Yes because there getting brought up in a generation of snowflakes where they are broken if someone says something offensive

A certain BBC presenter punched his producer over cold food and did no jail time. A woman calls a transgender person a man on social media and is arrested in front of her children and may go to jail. GB has become a very strange place indeed.

Yes, because they are being trained by liberal progressive teachers to give in to hurt feelings to the point of becoming immobilized by them. It’s disgusting. It should be against the law to teach children to be weak.

Young people's mental health is being more readily recognised.

Have definitely seen arise in the university I work for. Self harm and self medicating through alcohol or drugs is high on our priorities.

No, this is nonsense

That is a very un P.C photo used to illustrate mental illness!

Most of these young people were born under Socialism, so it is no wonder they are confused!

No wonder the way their future is disregarded and their opinions ignored by the Brexit nutters you support

Everybody is suffering more with mental health issues and I believe it has much to do with our food and digestion. That being the case, why would children not also be more susceptible? Fix the biome/gut flora and improve nutritional input, fix & improve much of the problem.

Not surprising, when we still allow religious indoctrination of the young. In fact, our Government are currently supporting increased segregation in 'faith' schools, by removing the current limits on selection by faith.

It's because most of them are spoilt weaklings

Sorry yes and there is no safety net for them

We have to ask ourselves why it's got to this - to much social media to much violence, TV & otherwise . Social media great invention but very bad in other respects. Sometimes a high-tech world isn't a good one - keep it simple better for everyone.

No, they just need to toughen up, wake up parents


Yes. Leftism, Atheism and evolution is destroying the youth! Destroying the west!

When adults are struggling with social media/consumer culture - self worth issues - how can children be doing any better?

Yes coz of bullying

since the 1980's mental health has been getting worse

Not suprised when there is such horror in the world at the hand of terrorism and kids wanting to change sex and even species . Sort Islamic terrorism and sort chemicals in our kids bodies.

With grandparents like these, it's not to be excluded .

Это слабость и безысходность. We need the WALL

No. They are being convinced they have problems, mostly, Its called pubety and growing up . We a becomming a country of spoilt weaklings

Yes - it is getting worse and so are services supposed to support them. Literally no support until it gets to such a serious level that inpatient services are necessary.

Since 2010 it’s gotten much much worse. You can find those figures easily. Since outrage culture it’s gotten much worse. I’m hoping to do a research project linking the two in the following months.

No, we’re just talking about it more. (Which is a good thing of course) social media is the only real new addition that previous generations didnt grow up with, but there is increased pressure on Social network firms to raise awareness gain control.

Prob because of social media... my 14 year old is never off her phone.... postings pics etc... girls have more pressure now to look a certain way because of instagram etc. Should ban all social media would be great 😊

Everyones is......... Social Media has turned us in to a bunch of raving lunatics.........

Radiation? WiFi etc?

Wrapped in cotton wool during primary school and most of secondary school to then be let out into a world that’s falling apart doesn’t help

Honestly have no idea what you might be talking about.

Ever feel a major factor is mental media? questionasaheadline

I would think most is caused by the reality rubbish they watch!

As each generation comes, they carry more unresolved trauma from parents, grandparents etc As a therapist I see young people and when exploring their family there are absent parents, alcoholism/addiction, violence, codependency. There needs to be a focus on family system healing

Is it getting worse or are we just more aware of it?

Probably, with all the bullying on the internet. Inevitable.

Probably because everything today is such a drama. Stop treating children like commodities. Nobody owns children so stop the 24 hours fussing over their every demand and let them discover what the world is made of. They’ll thank you for it.

Sure. Someone with Adults body and Child brain is called Retarded. Medical term.

How could it not be!!?

We are producing a weaker population. A plethora of reasons, social media use. Mollycoddled parents that no longer say no, no drive to win in most, just participating isn’t enough. Mentally and physically weaker.

Drinking and drugs don’t help !

They have spent far too long in their bedrooms playing on games consoles & messing around with social media. They are losing the ability to be sociable & the real world is a shock to them!


My daughter is a young carer. Both myself and hubby have disabilities. Her older sister used to abuse her, SATs in primary school, started high school, lost friends. She has depression and anxiety. For some you never know what goes on behind closed doors

No but because ‘mental health’ is more ‘out there’ and talked about more today, young people all think they have problems. How times have changed..

All mental health is getting worse as those in power refuse to listen and understand. There answer regardless is send them to work


If course it is. The world is telling them that there is no such thing as a man and a woman any more. Most are growing up broken because their parents spend more time looking at screens instead of raising them. And when they are given a screen from the age if 4 days old well hmm

I really have a secret satisfaction in being considered rather mad.

Probably as ppl tell them every day

Old, young, whoever. Applies to all, thanks to the self centred, evil govt in UK history which the biased broadcasting openly support...

British young people are unstable due to overuse of social media. Get out and smell the fresh air, Take up sport. People in the social media are not your friends but illusions.

Getting way way fragile! Reasons: Too much protection. Too much sensitivity. Too much freedom and lack of structure. Avocado on toasts.

Young people trying to make sense of all this, I can't imagine how they must feel. making sense of it as an adult is enough

Yes, social media is to blame.

Ask the film writers! You see how they imagine that creepy, murderous stuff. They've fragile minds.

No just peeps coming forward more

Funny how I know immigrants that have worked in supermarkets for the last 10 years and have managed to buy their own houses. Some young people expect too much and don’t understand they have to work for years to achieve something. That’s why they’re depressed.

Only if they watch the BBC's propaganda!

Parents should be more involved off-springs lives. There should be more family activities. Youngsters should be encouraged to do sports & other group activities. Less gaming, less social media. With more social interaction, problems will be spotted sooner or avoided.

Yes, the far left are making them deranged

Young, old... everybody is under high pressure!

Get off social media kids!

Growing up in the 50s, there were. No support mechanisms so you had to deal with things. There was no social media which helped. By and large though I think young people are less equipped these days.

Yep, putting way too much pressure on people. Increasing stress levels which has a massive impact on anxiety levels and people’s mood. Life’s hard......we should be trying to make things easier for people

Probably because it's fashionable to let victimhood define you these days.


They certainly find lots of things to have a gripe about. Going over the top from a trench thankfully isn't one. Crack on.

No ,parenting is.

Yes because there is no discipline taught from a young age and continue to be taught until they're adults

Young people eventually have to face the world, the more they are shielded, mollycoddled and their sensitivities pandered to, the bigger the shock to their carefully cultured minds when it happens. It's not them that have lost the plot .. it's the system that spoils them.

Yes !its just that they are not equipped mentally anymore to survive problems in life the word snowflake springs to mind,they melt at the first bit of trouble!they are treated as children till they are well into their teens/twenties !earlier generations were taught self reliance!

Yes cos we are breeding them to be snowflakes and to be offended by everything

social media and constant school exams, when i was at school i had hardly any tests and had PE three times a week, most schools hardly have PE anymore

Snowflake generation

mental health getting worse for all people and it's not easy to get help spending all paying rent and work life is just getting worse


Yes definitely

With Darwin's rules sidelined these days, drug abusers beget drug abusers. Console gamers beget ...nah...they can't beget anything...but you get the drift.

Yes because of political correctness has made them all fucked up... Saying hello hurts a young persons feelings nowadays, plus we are exposing them to all this trans crap that’s floating about... Patheticbritain

Too much toxicity in the sensitive brain. They had it since in the womb. Mama smoking, drinking and drugging during pregnancy, child is born an addict. What happens next, he/she picks up from where he started in the womb. Before you know it, the brain cells are out of whack.

Everyone's is. Not just youth, and can you blame it. How many cases of mental health was there in 1950-1990 , a majority of old ppl I know didnt have it or didn't know anyone with it. Now it's rife, we have to look at what's changed since then, and has it changed too fast

Young people are getting worse.

To much Molly coddling , To much putting doubt , fear , confusion in a young child's mind , To much labelling of children in schools , for an easy life or cash !! allowing for future long term problems and ruined lives . To much emphasis on you All can have it !

Definitely! , the pressure today on kids to achieve academically is unrealistic. Not everyone is academic some are better physically gifted. Sadly this is not reflected in the wants from government.

Their are other big factors and I feel that diesel pollution being a main contributor its proven it affects physical health but no studies on affects of the brain it may not b only reason but if the brain is being damaged by poisonous gases it can change how people handle stress

Yes. Because of the lack of parental controls on their social media use

Not only is the mental health of young people getting worse but the NHS provision of psychiatrists, therapists, nursing staff and mental hospital beds is utterly inadequate to cope with the rise. “Parity of esteem” is nonsense without a plan. Investment was needed 5 years ago.

I’d say probably based on life being a lot harder for kids these days than when I was young.

Yes: What do you expect when you don't set boundaries and never say NO.

If you want to have an accurate study done, message me. All millennials are a ticking time bomb

As a younger person (15) today, I find that those who claim to have depression and whatnot are being attention seeking - feeling they need to kick up a fuss and play the hypochondriac card. I roll my eyes everytime they say “I’m depressed”, just get on it. Stop being dramatic! 🙄

Yes because of your beloved Tory party

Social media, lack of discipline, the need for technology, exaggeration of rights, everything shoved down their throats instead of being allowed to just be children.

Lack of communication face to face everyone hooked on their gadgets be it parents and teens. If parents took a break from their social media has well and listen and talked with their children maybe suicide rates would drop.

Yes thanks to tech and social media.

Probably, because of social media

Well considering: Wages being awful Cost of living rising Wealth disparity growing Rents rising Mortgages rising A lack of career opportunities Zero hour contracts Austerity crippling everything & the fact we get the blame for all this because we eat avocados Are you surprised?

If you are a young person struggling you don't care about statistics, any one young person is too many. The pressures on our young people is enormous, they start to be tested at an earlier and earlier age, so they feel they have failed at Primary School.

Social media cultural marxism

Yes, Social Media is a huge part of it. Also the 'snow flake' generation has being enabled by us adults and the PC bullshite that confuses them.

It’s always been there we have just opened our eyes a little bit more that’s all

Because life is shit and it's getting harder and harder to keep hiding it from the kids.

Really, I think the best thing we should do is to tell them ' To grow up and grow a back bone'.

Yes. Absolutely

Yes I believe so. So much pressure from social media

Only because of All the Crap 💩 they are looking at on Social Media .

Left wing indoctrination is a mental illness. So yes.


Funny that ever since you have obsessed over mental health it has got a lot worse🤔

Yeah, because watching old people acting crazy!


well they have had their heads wrapped in tech and eat food humans invented and very little water. . . . . sick species

No. Slow news days make it seem like it is.

Is that 2 girls holding hands. Maybe if the media didnt shove images of same sex couples...or couples at a young age at all, then young people would have less problems.

2 words - Social Media

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