Gov. Northam says he wasn't in racist photo, won't resign

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Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's refusal to step down over a racist photograph in his medical school yearbook could signal a potentially long and bruising fight between him and his former supporters.


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Our CEO was just in Virginia! Tell us what she could do.

Media AllRacistsResign why are you only talking about Dems? There are several in GOP that need to go Trump, McConnell. Hyde-Smith, Scalise, King. Why are you not calling for their resignation? NoMoreDoubleStandards

He’s making them prove he’s unfit. I live by the Alex Rodriquez rule: when there’s a procedure for removing an employee, he has a right to insist it be observed. Alex was proven guilty of taking PEDs massively. In Ralph’s case it’s less clear to me

What happened to “racially charged”, and “some say”? OneStandardAppliedToAll

Wonder what Corey and Kamala would say, if he faced a Senate nomination hearing?

It happened when he was in college. Everyone has done foolish things when they were younger that they regret. Get over it and learn to forgive people.

He should respect the office of governor enough to not drag this thing out, he should resign immediately...,,,,..

So, what I'm hearing is, young men who rape and assault can serve in the highest court in the country, just boys being boys, but dressing in costume can disqualify you from being governor. Come on people, enough is enough. Pick battles carefully.

I think he should. Bad liar.

ColorMeRed Democrats: Killing babies by dismembering them and selling for parts is moral, but a Black Face you got to go. If that isn't Satanic nothing is.

He’s following the GOP playbook. Refuse to admit you’re wrong then dig in until people get exhausted from fighting.

amore20188 You need to do the right thing and step down. For one let’s have some integrity.

Nothing to apologize for.

I’m glad he’s not resigning. He’s the poster child of the left and we’re gonna remind you of that every day he’s in office.


Please step down today, RalphNortham . We need somebody who can fix our NOVA traffic problems, attract businesses, and help farmers hurt by the TrumpTariffs.

He's only in three out of the four pictures then Stop insulting our intelligence and resign already. I'm tired of the double standard for Democrats. I was an adult in 1984 and the picture was offensive then.

Indiana Attorney General refuses to step down for this, done in March. Read all about moral conservative hill in action.

Everyone is on the attack and filled with hate! Stop it!

Everybody is on the attack. Let it go this was over 30 yrs ago!

Absolutely ridiculous. It took him 2 days to figure out if he dressed up like that? What are the Dems going to do now. Look for the talking points to emerge.

Like the man said “Be gone”.

should focus more on infanticide this actually kills humans than racismwhich hurts feelings. Both bad but prioritize properly.

Nah, Democrats will try changing the subject and sweep it under the rug like they always do.

He should stay. An old photo in his year book he didn’t even purchase. Nickname is probably because he studied all night and had shadows under his eyes. Dressing up with Michael Jackson face ...before or after Michael was bleaching...if after fine.

~Virginia Governor Ralph northam~ he is doing a ‘shaggy’—it wasn’t me bit—okay...

But did he drink alcohol at a party once?

Is he a Republican or Democrat? The headline for some reason didn’t mention it...

If he was not the one in the picture, he should not have said anything in the first place. Just goes to show that he is not thinking properly.

He is a kkk member and a politician.

BTW, has anyone asked the question, what F-ing medical school allows that picture to be published in the first place? Who was yearbook editor, David Duke? How has the school skated on this so far?

Whatever it takes, he must go down. We dont need anyone representing this country or the DNC who is racist. NorthamMustResign

Northam will not be able to govern effectively if at all.

First he acknowledges & apologizes, then he says he's wrong & it wasn't him after all. But, he thought it was & believed it could be bcz it's something he had done. He's the liberal version of Kavanaugh. NorthamMustResign

RalphNortham This is why as teenagers, you must always think about your actions and don't ever engage in anything that may come back to bite you as an adult. So Governor Northam, this one has come back and you have some explaining to do.

While I find black face and Ku Klux Klan offensive, I think we should allow that people can grow and change.

Does he have any supporters now.

Now Northam says he wasn't actually in the Sambo/KKK photo... but he did dress up as Michael Jackson wearing blackface in the '80s. Guess that's a little better, huh? 🤦🏾

JudgeMoroz His claim of being the 'blackface' guy in the yearbook before he was just the blackface guy doing a Michael Jackson imitation (even though by that time MJ's face was more white than black) is nothing more than a deflection to steer people away that he may have been the KKK guy.

Who cares that's the least of his sins,murder babies? Wow priority what a bunch of fools

According to the press, he “had” a good record and reputation among the black community. Now a 35 year old pic of him obviously doing something racist surfaced. Question: Does that erase everything he has done 35 years ago until now? Even ex-convicts get a chance at redemption.

Can’t step down. Lt governor is black and will never give power to him. Still await OBAMA apology for getting racist elected.

Afraid he’s trapped. One blackface is too much, whether he’s in this one or not. He needs to get out quickly with his record on civil rights and anti-white supremacy since 1984.

The real story is how he advocates killing a newborn viable child. This makes him a pos and should add to the horrible narrative of a lying screaming killing democrat that he is.

Why should he step down? He's a mainstream Democrat.

I dressed as Bruce Lee for Halloween once, makeup and all. There are pictures out there, somewhere. If elected to office, it would be understandable if Asian Americans did not want me representing them. I am not racist, yet there are consequences for my choices. Resign already.

It’s the boomer generation that is killing this country. It’s not the left or right it’s this entitled generation that does everything for itself. To hell with everything else.

Jeffers28083958 Maybe one should look deeper into his supports backgrounds, I wonder what we'd find Kamala Harris,?

I suspect GovernorVA was a plant by the GOP_VA to divide & destroy the Democratic party We must not let them ResignNortham

Sir, resign, there has been too much hurt .You, your family, your friends are hurting. You have also taken the pressure off Trump for 48 hours and the world suffers then. You have proven yourself to be a good man this is destroying your legacy. Thank you for your service

He needs to resign for many disgusting reasons. Talk about deplorable...

If he were a Republican there would’ve been massive protests in Richmond and he would be gone already. Plus Trump would’ve caught blame. Wake up folks!

Taking legal route of innocent until proven guilty is futile among blue voting constituency.

Who ran the yearbook and who was the editor that allowed the picture? Why aren’t we discussing that right now too?


He needs to step down. THIS IS NOT the kind of person we want or need in ANY office. ActionsHaveConsequences

'Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?'

He must go

I support Gov.Northam. He has shown for years and years to be a good man. I think people are being pushed by bots, repub or Russian bots on social media. I have been. Weather he did or did not he has prove. His true character. Repubs, including Trump need to prove their character

Again, it is not the yearbook photo but rather his lies and deception for which he must resign or be recalled.

Does he have calendars? ;)

Do the right thing RalphNortham step down.


Northam will be gone before the State of the Union Address.

Check out julie_kelly2’s Tweet:

The Truth is what matters.

Why was this ok in a Medical School yearbook?!

The person who wrote this Tweet needs a second cup of coffee. Uh, duh.

Yet no ones does anything about this

His page, his book, but of course... he doesn’t recall. He was an adult, he recalls. Now everyone can see him for who he is.

Where is the 24/7 outcry demanding these racists resign? The biggest difference between Northam and these scumbags is these scumbags continue to be racists. SteveKingIA realdonaldtrump cindyhydesmith senatemajldr RonDeSantisFL StephenMiller

A Democrat, once tasting the power of life and death over newborns, does not EVER give it up. Does a vampire ever stop drinking blood?

Bye dems.

I usually don’t care about college years because I was a total idiot in college myself. But this is just too wrong.

How many black people should step down because of their inner hate for whites?

Bill Clinton did not step down after lying about his relationship with an intern and costing taxpayers over a million 4 a stupid investigation/I never got my donation $$ back from that cheating SOB either but he did do some good things as President. Is that what Dems think here?

The Democrats created the KKK and now they’re defending a KKK hood wearing racist as governor who promotes more late term abortions of African Americans. Disgusting!

Oh he's entitled he's women aged no matter what he does he should remain in office. really? We shall see.

This guy has no sense of propriety, self respect and respect for the office.

If he can't supply Chemosh with baby hearts, Virginia could face a recession

Of course he will not step down, cause he “prematurely apologized”. Basically, apologized for something he realized later that he didn’t do. One of the worse spins I have ever heard.

Impeach and remove him

Only the R Budd Dwyer press conference went worse...

I just read that Christine Blasey Ford identified Virginia Governor, Democrat Ralph Northam, from a drunken Halloween party she might have attended. Sources claim that other classmates who might remember being there, might corroborate her testimony. believeher speakyourtruth

Don’t worry, he’ll get the money, I mean the word, and do the right thing. LOL Or he might have a meeting with some of Hillary’s friends.

Herbert_L_Reed Nah!!! Dems love their racist! This is about a democrat explaining the truth to millions who didn’t understand how evil some of the laws democrats promote are when no one is 👀!

how did the governor know that you only use “a little bit as it is hard to remove” ? 🤔previously done before ...

Michael Jackson spent Millions with multiple surgical operations trying to become white. His Doctor even overdosed and killed him in a procedure.. What's the difference..Putting makeup on your face was a fun thing to do at the time.. Look at those Broadway shows..

If he was a Republican I’m pretty sure Pelosi, Maxine would be asking him to resign.


He's going to force them to impeach him. He may as well resign, regardless of anything else, he has lost his mandate to lead.

It's his page he let it go out read it. Who cares which one he is if any. His denial is as bad as the page.

All he has to say is that he was a Republican at that time when he was going to med school! problem solved!

The governor only needs to say the pic release is an attempt to force him out for his open support of Infratradiside so s guess there will be a rally to forgive him do as to support the party movement toward full eugenics practice and control

Herbert_L_Reed Thats the tip of the ice berg.../ VAGovMansion

If he has Lost his Base,who does he turn to

“If Northam does resign, Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax would become the second African-American governor in the state’s history.” Wonder if all the right extremists realize this.

I see you keep leaving off 'DEMOCRAT'Governor .

Oh.. it’s more than that.. it exposes the extreme lefts deep roots in racism. Why is there a PP on every block in black communities? Dems want to control the black population. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s glorious. wakeupamerica mlk2019

We haven’t forgotten the ad he used against his opponent, or his comments on Charlottesville. How inconvenient...

this only proves how pervasive a disease RACISM truly is. it knows no party lines or affiliations, no economic boundaries or borders. it unites evil in the battle against the good, decent and Godly.

How about racist Northam step down for his pro views on infanticide? Where are the calls from Dems on that disgusting radio interview?!

Herbert_L_Reed DemocratsAreBabyKillers DefundPlannedParenthood

realDailyWire says GovernorVA should look at the man in the mirror.

Hysterical Democrats destroy one of their own AGAIN. They wonder why they lose.



DemocratsAreRacists democratsthepartyofHATE DemocratsAreBabyKillers

The photo is irrelevant in the scale of his actions. Late-term/full term infanticide via abortion being approved is the real story. Is this what the SenateDems stand for, prepare for massive hemorrhaging of grass roots voters... RalphNortham HouseDemocrats TheDemocrats

Comparing apples to oranges over many years is lame. We're sanctuary now, right? Just ask TheDemocrats. democracynow CarnegieDCG democracyatwrk StateDRL USATODAY washingtonpost GOP

He has now shown himself to be a liar and selfish on top of the racism. Very poor.

His views are in line with the Dem party. They started the KKK, wanted to keep slaves etc. A Rep named Lincoln freed the slaves from the Dems. Remember who fought to have the Civil Rights Act passed the Rep’s. The Dems did not support it. FACT CHECK THAT!

It's ok, let Coonman stay in office. The DNC owns this monster GovernorVA . However the Democrat race card has been permanently revoked. MAGA

Good Lord, it was 50 years ago, you people need to get a life.

Revolbiendo encontré esta foto, eres tu Northams?

Very shallow but he even looks like an a-hole

If by “long and bruising” you mean dude steps down on Monday, then yeah.

Before you pass judgment on the Gov, remember how it used to be? Please! People grow up, realize mistakes and unlike realDonaldTrump take responsibility. Give it a rest, he apologized and I felt sincerely. Agendas will hurt Virginia not grow it! stopthebs

Will there be a recall on his election? That’s one option I haven’t heard anything about.

This offends the collective existence and humanity of black people.

Democrats - the party of the KKK and Coonman

He went to medical school?!

BiasedGirl They have no measures against him, the Republicans want him to stay because he damaging the Democrats, so they will fight to keep him. They have to offer him money, a lot of money...

Whats the problem, Michael pedo jackson used to whiten up

If you are a racist, how are you going to serve the needs of all of your constituents? All of them. How? CNN

He wasn’t in racist photo he’s racist in real life.

How bout stepping down because he's OK with killing a live baby?

Like we need anymore evidence that Democrats give a shit about race. They only care about power and control.


He will leave, believe me


TheDemocrats literally had a Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard in their party as recent as 2010. He only left the Senate because he died. RobertByrd (D)- West Virginia Why is anyone surprised about GovernorVA RalphNortham ?

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