Gov. Ralph Northam ‘deeply sorry’ after photo emerges from his 1984 yearbook showing blackface, KKK hood

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Virginia Gov. Northam confirms that he’s in ‘racist and offensive’ photo in 1984 yearbook, says he’s ‘deeply sorry’


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MarySan15401452 Not to worry ... he is a Democrat and he just has to say he is sorry that he got caught out and he is a changed man today. It is called the Robert Byrd defense of reprehensible conduct ...

MarySan15401452 Does having a funny Halloween photo with a friend in your high school you were at constitute that he was a racist hate crime person? Why the f*** is this even on the news you guys are retarded! that's like stopping Kavanaugh from putting away Timothy McVeigh for choking rough sex

Now we know who you really are

And your forgiveness of Megyn Kelly? WAPO - helping to make bird cage bottoms environmentally friendly...

Boycott EVMSedu Eastern Virginia Medical School for publishing this photo in their yearbook.

Wait😤😤😤 where is the news reports and alams of racism on this?

Democrats welcome black history Month. Thanks Gov. The real shame about Democrat leaders that has been forgotten by the African American Community is Dems were the racist. Now they’re just closet racists.

But this was the ad running against his Republican counterpart. Was Ralph Northam driving the truck in the ad? RalphNortham GovernorVA

What was his path in the last 30 years?

He's sorry it's finally being revealed.

Bad choice, one of probably many bad choices, made by a stupid kid.

this republican appalled at christian conservatives with agenda of smearing someone at the same time defending a potential rapist sitting on the supreme court. This picadillo is very Minor in comparison. Not saying it is right. just pointing out one hell of a double standard

Sorry won’t cut it. Get out of here!



Real apology &Remorse should clear him clean

Deplorable Dr. Northam. And this was in 1984!! And allowed to be published in a med school yearbook. No more excuses. All your good deeds down the drain.

He’s a RACIST!! This is WHO HE IS!! It’s in his DNA!! He’s been BRED to HATE!!

If thats in the yearbook, he really really thinks like that....hes learned to filter himself

Yeah, so...when so many knew, apparently NO ONE cared enough to make it viral. In the black community, we call this 'white people shit'. There's no way in Hell, Gov. Douglas Wilder could have taken a pic, dressed in Black Panther gear, and gotten away with it, that long.

Wow. Your reporting it like it’s no be deal !!!! Pathetic!!!!

so what?

Didn’t find this in the weeks leading up to HIS election, did you, unbiased media? Replace with progressive Lt. Governor, no problem.

Sure WP defend this killer!

Time to go! Tick tock.

Resign time...

35 year ago, one photo. Get over your fake outrage people. Cant wait to see in 35 years your youthful indiscretions aired out for the world to falsly judge the older more mature you on, then.

Deeply sorry it came out.

He will have to resign. I hope people remember the medical school , that published the horrible photo.

Does anyone know the context? How does something like that end up in a yearbook?

Nothing new.. democrats racism has just evolved into extreme exploitation.

No he’s not. He’s sorry ppl pointed it out, but he ain’t sorry he did it & he ain’t sorry he thinks like that & he ain’t sorry that he collaborated with the kkk & nazis.

High School ? Let’s move on. If we all are judged by our adolescent years, it’s gonna get pretty crowded.

No matter how long it takes, your skeletons will always one day leave your closet Virginia Northam NorthamMustResign

I'm first and foremost a Human Being, 2nd I'm a nurse. This is NOT acceptable! He's a complete disgrace to our society! Please resign. Racism is Completely Unacceptable!!!!!!

Hey BretBaier you missed this one.

The appropriate thing to do would be to resign immediately.

Here’s the diff between Dems and Repubs...if he were an R, they be making “boys will be boys” excuses. But he’s a D (as am I) and most of us say “fire his ass”

Powerful white dudes are all the same. I hope everyone remembers that in the upcoming elections.

He should resign. We deserve better.

thederekminor 'two sides of the same coin' . A coin to buy 'power' and manipulate the weak. smoke and mirrors, fear and hate. R and D . Nothing new under the sun

When someone shows you who they are 🗣BELIEVE THEM!!!!!

So does he think that’s enough. Deeply sorry? I hope he resigns but if he doesn’t. The 2020 democratic candidates will own this clown the way gop candidates owned the clowns that talked about rape and women’s body’s shutting down or whatever that nonsense was in 2010-2012

NorthamMustResign Truly abhorrent. I am ashamed as a Virginian.


Has he resigned yet? How about now?


Who would have guessed that a guy who thinks it’s ok to murder babies after they’re born is also a racist

'Eastern Virginia Medical School allowed students to pick their own photos for their yearbook page.' Cant make this up. Shame.

JordanSekulow And don’t forget this little gem.

Needs to go.

Hmmmmm, highly doubtful the MSM or the DEMS will call out the GovernorVA for racism due to this discovery..Draintheswamp ResignNortham

What headline would this be if it were realDonaldTrump ?

I didn’t realize Northampton was playing a game of ‘can you top this’ with himself. First he advocates infanticide now this comes out! Even in 1984 who in their right mind poses for this picture? I must have missed the part of 80’s where the KKK was accepted! Crawl under a rock!

And he’s for infanticide. LestWeForget

Thoughts and prayers.......

He needs to go. Now.

Sorry he got caught.

RalphNortham You are the one in the KKK dress. All one has to do is look at the shoulders in this picture. Even in the suit jacket picture your shoulders slope downward like the Klan picture. Black Face shoulders are more broad in that jacket. Mystery solved!!!

My question is.... how exactly did the picture make it to the Yearbook in 1984? Years after the Civil Rights Movement!! Was this during the time when America was Great?

JC!!! Up until two and a half years ago I honestly, very honestly thought this was a thing of my parents and in fact grandparents generations and now it comes up on the reg. It’s sad and tragic and frightening and 💔 Vote! the racists out of our city’s. VoteThemOut

Time for him to resign. Demoncrats made the new rule that anything you’ve done in your life can be used against you.

He's deeply sorry this came to light. They're always sorry after their shit is on display. How about they stop doing racist shit that they have to be sorry for after they get caught!!

How and why are so many people shocked? I bet if you start digging you'll find a lot more people on power in similar situations.

He needs to resign immediately there is zero leeway on this issue.

You can't make this shit up.

Here's a lesson for all dems, to win in 2020, let's clean up our act! If you are in office and you know you have been racist, misogynistic, hateful, etc., no matter the excuse, own up before you're forced to open up. Our democracy is at stake!

Awe, I'm sure you accepted his apology. Has he apologized for supporting infanticide? MSM are a bunch of hypocrites.

Wow ignorant

JanetTxBlessed Where is the media investigation this is bigger than just a picture, racism baby 👶 killing like Dr. Josef Mengele media nor Democrats will hold their own to the fire 🔥

And hes going to deeply step the fuck down!!!

JordanSekulow Strange how Northam’s yearbook page showed up right after his opinion on late term abortions was made known. Karma...he needs to resign.

KKK West Virginia for Obama

They' still use the black face today , to commit robberies and drive by shootings.

The left will say the cowboy photo is the ‘racist and offensive’ photo.

But but but he regrets NOTHING. Soooo what's a hypocrite liberal to DO? Y'all going to call for his resignation like you would if he sported an 'R' after his name?!?


Take a red Sharpie and draw an arrow pointing to the one which is you.

My guess is the klan member since he hasn’t said anything or admitted to which he was.

1. Why was that photo printed in the yearbook? 2. Why has it taken 35 years to bring this to people's attention?

im_mr_DC Yeah.. but did he write about boofing?

racist Governor should resign fast and furious racism unacceptable in Virginia with its past history

Sorry bud, you gotsta go. Step down for the good of Virginia.


Impeach Impeach immediately

JordanSekulow Sorry you got caught!!

A racist and. murderer.

Talk about bad timing for bad news, it’s BlackHistoryMonth Northam

He's sorry only because it has come to light. He knew he did this years ago yet remains silent about it. Convenient mea culpa now

Will look for the editorial Sunday calling for him to resign.

But no one condemns Robert Downy Jr for blackface in Tropic Thunder?

The Democratic party founded the KKK, implemented segregation, filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and now makes sure the black community remains poor, uneducated & without fathers by keeping them on welfare. Still the same racists, different tactic.

Could you imagine if this were a SCOTUSblog kavanaugh will the Dems and DNC actions speak louder than words

Bs he is sorry 😡

You went after kavanaugh yearbook for drinking . This guy is a racist . Now I know why he likes planned parenthood started by racist Margaret Sanger

Not at forefront that he is a Dem. hmmm? Not really a surprise. If he were GOP it would be pushed as agenda item.


JordanSekulow Kamala Harris takes it further...

YOU endorsed him for Gov. He was LtvGov prior. How did YOU not know of this? Lazy journalism or cover up? Given Kavannaugh debacle, YOU failed in the only job you have.

I can't wait to see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the black caucus and the rest march down to the Governor's mansion screaming for his immediate resignation. Oh wait! Probably not because he's a fellow Democrat!

Typical Democrat why is anyone surprised? Ohhh also funny the left doesn’t give a shit this douche gets his rocks off killing babies! 🤷🏼‍♂️

Resign have some sense of dignity and just go. Away.

he's not deeply sorry for supporting infanticide?

My bet is the bias phony fake news Washington Post knew about this photo when Northram was running for governor but covered it up.

lostdesertdog Only 'sorry' that it became public knowledge.

The Washington post endorsed this racist But has not yet called for his resignation. Can you imagine if Donald Trump's High School yearbook came out and there was President Trump in blackface. What would the fake news Washington Post say?

How sorry can you be when you either forgot about the picture(meaning that he never thought the scene was obviously racist, not a good look), or you knew about the picture but never addressed it because nobody ever brought it up(which means he really enjoys dressing racist).

Bye, bye Northam 🤡

He’s an elected official holding high office. We can hold them to higher standards than most. Regardless of how long ago it was or how sorry he is, he’s got to resign.

This aged well

RalphNortham should resign

JoeHeim How did the photo get put in a yearbook in 1984?

Time to excuse

This is so disturbing. How did this not make the news during the election?

Next - what medical school would allow this in a publication Their next

35 freak’n years ago?

8 Thanks you Washington Post for having from 2016 Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you're poor, black, Latino or elderly. Racist republicans are enemies of Amendment 24. Deny people vote because owe court fines or taxes is not constitutional.

It’s ok - he’s a Democrat.

Are you kidding me That’s it. Democrats are going to fall in line and accept his aplology? Hey Black America - are you paying attention to the hypocrisy Even your black leaders have yet to comment. How about it Al Sharpton?

GovernorVA The judgment one makes to decide to include a photograph such as this in your MEDICAL SCHOOL GRADUATION YEARBOOK is both fascinating and appalling all at the same time. duplicitous notademocrat northam vile pos

7 Would like Washington Post, tv, etc to discuss every day extremely racist criminal justice system dealing with drugs, etc until most non violent drug offenders are released from prison.

Nice headline...should we revisit some of your Kavanaugh headlines now to compare and contrast? Now do you understand why realDonaldTrump calls you Fake News and 'The Enemy of the People'?! When you spin bias and division...that is exactly what 'enemies' would do. ThinkAboutIt

The ratio man the ratio

Chance of GOP not jumping all over GovernorVA to resign: zero. Chance of GOP not seeing hypocrisy and unfairness of not holding realDonaldTrump to same standard, despite persistent and pernicious present-day racism: 💯

Democrats were racists against the civil Rights movement in the 70s. Pelosi and others have long family lineage history in the Democratic party through all this! Nothing has changed people wake up!!

What a headline . You people are SICK

RalphNortham GTFO. Now.

Nice cover you gave him. To be fair maybe you should of mentioned the time he wouldn't shake his black opponents hand during a debate.

No way!! Not when Kavanaugh remains on the SCOTUS

6 When will Republicans stop going out of their way to arm white Christian terrorist groups with military grade guns and high capacity ammo clips? Hate Map - Southern Poverty Law Center


Let's see the Democratic double standard go to work

I’m entertained by how up in arms the MAGA crowd is...when it’s not one of their politicians. If the dude was republican, they’d be defending it as “young and stupid”.

Time to go. You just can’t continue as a Democrat after something like this

Maybe if we dig back far enough and deep enough we could find some skeletons in everyone's closet that would be offensive to someone. Even the perfect Demos ain't so perfect. Might even find some some collusion with Russia.

In the year of our lord 1984.

Justice is great ! What goes around.... comes around, Virginia Gov. Northam !

Talk about getting caught with your pants down 🥴

He needs to resign

Why don’t they identify what party he is associated with in the headline 🤔 bet if it was a Republican that would be the first word in the headline

4 Eisenhower used CIA to overthrow Guatemala because of United Fruit that had significant ties to Eisenhower admin - Dulles Brothers, etc Republicans do not seem to care about extreme corruption, extreme racism of Donald Trump. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Wasn't 30 years ago different? Just curious. I know many who dressed in racially questionable costumes. Its the ones who wore then during 'non costume ' moments that are more concerning. But sex assaults are okay for the GOP?

No one said nothing when he used racist word for Native Americans! ‘Northam: As a lifelong burgundy and gold fan, and a proponent of creating new jobs, I will continue Governor McAuliffe’s aggressive pursuit of landing the next Redskins stadium here in Virginia.’ Phonies!


which one is he?

NO surprises!

Can't imagine how that never came out when he was running for Governor.

Well then that's that, right? I mean he apologized, what else could we want? I mean, it's not like he smirked or anything truly vile.

He needs to resign now

Well now we know. So what was he thinking at the time?



But he's better now.

So he was a member of kkk, what a shame, democrat are exploring blacks and people of colours for their political gain, he should resign

That was utterly outrageous even by decidedly less PC 1984 standards.

Needs 2 do the right thing & take 1 for the team & step down

and he's a baby killer.. Nice guy

Step away

.Blackface was wrong in 1984 worn by RalphNortham It was wrong in 1993 by TedDanson roasting WhoopiGoldberg It was wrong to be normalized by MegynKelly in 2018 It will ALWAYS be wrong in the review mirror and the future. Let's work together, America, to get this understood.

Sounds like he’s stepping down

“Liberals consider accepting the apology, while dead fetuses have yet to comment”

Will Virginians recall this man?

Why run for office when you know this is in your past? Who forgets awful pictures of them in their yearbooks? Unless: 1. You believed it wouldn't matter if discovered. And/or 2. You didn't think it was an awful picture.

This entire culture needs to resign.

AntiTrumpReport He needs to step down immediately. If he keeps his position as governor there will be protests. The fact that someone like him has been in office, making decisions for other people, is terrifying. Absolutely disgusting. How many others are there like him in office?

Why would racismin Virginia surprise anyone? The state’s favorite NFL team is the racist Washington DC team!

Man, from being a Leftist hero for wanting to euthanize babies, to a racist outcast in 48 hours.

He needs to resign. Perhaps he can sit with and work through Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad and try his apology again. When will we learn - 🙇🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😔

Any mention of being 'deeply racist'?

Resign Ralph

But is he in black face or the hood? And clearly, if he is in black face then his FRIEND is in the KKK hood. Is he still friends with this racists person? Who is who? Coe on Washington Post.

People starting to realize the klan was the domain of the Democratic Party as was slavery and Jim Crow laws. Lincoln was a republican. Lee a democrat


LGJustinFairfax Lieutenant Governor, I hope you are better prepared to serve Virginians than Gov. Northram. As a born and raised Virginian, I wish you the best...

Imagine the headline if this was Trump.

Black face down to the hands

You forgot to put Republicans pounce in your headline

We (progressive Democrats) accept his apology and wish him well in the private sector! NorthamMustResign from public office, NOW!

Can we also mention how a school thought this was ok to publish as well!?

elmer_a_chile We are also sorry that we had to see it & that you thought it was fine until you were exposed!

Governor Northam should resign immediately!!

Why is your article defending a racist in a KKK robe... during BlackHistoryMonth2019 BlackLivesMatter RackstWashingtonPost

Karaive Awww shucks, that thar is jus' locker room bigotry.

He's SORRY, Tiger, doesn't change its stripes, once that SHAMEFUL, discussing, image is in your DNA, that's what you are,BLACK people have been victims of this SHAMEFUL Behavior MUCH too long.... 1619---2019....TIME to resign....

What undeserving position does the other man hold?


He will have to resign for questions asked......

Now he says this does not reflect who he is today. His values and principles have not change...hence his stand on murder for abortion!

But are conservatives pouncing or seizing?

Sorry isn’t enough, he has to resign

TIme to Resign!!

In 1984 this wasn’t funny. It was never funny.

“Confirms” is a big assumption don’t you think?

It was obviously Halloween. Toughen up. Get over it. Those that get offended by everything that happened 35 years ago...get a fucking life.

Its too late to apologize. You're a racist and should resign immediately!!!

Dumocrates don't do that kind of stuff do they!

Real nice guy, he is. So he follows by endorsing legislation to...don’t even want to type the words...VA, you good with this?

Anybody hear the Congressional Black Caucus, Black Lives Matter, NAACP, Democratic Party, etc. call for his resignation? Yea, me neither. (Crickets chirping.....)

An apology is not enough! He must resign

I thought the 9 month abortion speech was bad, but this is also horrifying. This is very upsetting. ResignNortham He has no excuse for this. None.

Sheesh. People never cease to disappoint.


Where is the outrage? Also, he likes beer.

Bake some cookies and it's all good.

Hes the one in blackface but its even worse than thought at first blush....see there....he's SMIRKING! 💀

Northan needs to resign I keeping wondering why Virginia/USPTO are so racist and sexist, that is right next to the Capital of the world - White House This is not some Mid-West Texas or some hinterland

Oh damn, you gotta go...

Current candidate for Mississippi Governor posted the below much more recently.....robertfoster4ms

I graduated from college in 1984 and I can't believe any institution of learning would not find this photo offensive even back then.😡

Waiting for you destroy him! He’s 1000x worse than Kavanaugh. Demand his resignation

“I like beer”. Sounds familiar.

I hope he's deeply sorry enough to resign immediately. What was he thinking, at age 24 (in '84)? He was a mature young adult.

Hahahhahaha it was only cluster of cells rather than fully developed political career....

At least the guy apologized. If it had been Trump, he would have bragged that it was the best blackface ever in the history of makeup.

Yeah that’s a gots to go situation. Why didn’t this come up during the election, who suppressed it?

The Deeply Sorry Tour never works. We’ve all seen every attempt and they invariably fail.


Do the right thing. Please.

Only when 'Hell freezes over' would racists change their minds!

Who doesn't regret over things he/she'd been doing in the past? The important thing: to stop racism. But even the president himself is a racist! I don't really know from which century those racists came from! Medieval government!


Everyone can go home now, “Quote of the Year” contest is officially over: “Northam did not say if he was the man dressed in blackface or Klan robes.“ smhid

We're to believe that this is breaking news. Make no mistake, this was known before now. It's only being brought forth, and is only being covered by Democrats in the present because Democrats need to distance themselves from him after his abortion infanticide comments.

That is your boy, Washington Post. You are a huge fan of that guy.

If I’d ever run for office, I can honestly say a photo like this would never surface as I’ve never don’t anything like this. Now, there is a photo of me with green face and I apologize in advance to the Incredible Hulk.

Peace, son.


No, the photo ‘is of’ an offensive racist.

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