Boys school shuts down amid fallout over Washington videos

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Covington Catholic High School shut down its campus Tuesday as a precaution as fallout continued over an encounter involving white teenagers, Native American marchers and a black religious sect outside the Lincoln Memorial last week.


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I really dont care, do you?

And, all you tweeters, we should all assume that your teenagers are so perfect. No bullies, no harassers, A students, no substance abuse?

No mention of other groups there and doing same or worse.

Again, adults in these tweets showing same intolerance that they assume went on. Hypocrisy on all sides. Want to be heard but not listen.

Funny all other schools in that area were closed due to bad weather?

Why doesn't the school have a wall?

I don't think I'd prefer to bring a group of teenagers around a highly, polorized public protest unless I intend to increase the energy.. which at that stage, what really gets accomplished?

This is why there has to be a separation of religion and government!

The one clear takeout from this mess is the sheer and overt hatred there is for white Christians, and the machinations of a controlled media that has been engineering this for some time. It will only get worse.

Malcom X 'chickens coming home to roost never made me sad'

It should shut down indefinitely!!

They're not death threats if you enjoy it. 😉

Of course I don't condone violence or threats. Let us hope that Covington Catholic H.S. does something to change the racism, hatred & mob mentality of their students. Nick Sandman obviously learned to enjoy causing others pain from somewhere as well as the rest of the mob kids.

Catholics should be so proud, priest rape young children. Raising racist in their latter teens. God is so proud of you.



I read something suggesting (tongue in cheek, of course) that the Covington boys are crisis actors. It all makes sense now!

LOL complete with quotes from Faux News. Not surprising.

Shut that racist school down permanently. Excommunicate the priests. Lock the kids up and lock the parents up for abuse. Call social services. They are brainwashing these kids to be racists.

If something happens , fake news is to blame .Mabey a cause for a really big slander suit

Hate makes us weak of mind & soul. Those who voted 4 a selfish & cruel potus R beginning 2 get what they asked 4. Trump doesn’t care about U or anyone but his own profit. His history is clear so if U vote based on bumper stickers you’ll never B happy. Trump FoxNews Putin GOP

You mean because of the racist that threaten the schools and those kids...Liberal terrorism is a mental disorder. And the fake news perpetuated liberal outlets are a threat to America.

FCN2go Such a shame no one will acknowledge the footage showing the kids didn't do anything and were the ones who were approached and attacked.... Pathetic


Let’s see if they can go to the White House in blackface see if that controversy

Book written by Freud - Psychology of love life The future of illusion Extract page 60 If, after this orientation, we turn to the religious doctrines again, then again we dare say: They are all illusions, unprovable, and no one should be forced to regard them as true,

Thanks to you and the rest of the activists masquerading as reporters. You’d have blood on your hands.

They’re just prepping for the yearly Minstrel Potluck.

The tolerant liberal media mob.

Keep it closed!! It’s time for Christians to disavow this kind of hate and right wing extremism! These boys need to be punished now before they grow up and do worse. CovCathColonelsDisgrace CovintonCriminals

AP refuses to tell us truth!

Did the PR firm recommend this?

Don’t forget to talk with the women who were tainted with “ it’s not rape if u enjoyed it”

I don't believe there were any threats of harm. The boys family's and the school need more time to spin the story. One doesnt hire a lawyer and a PR firm when they have supposedly done nothing wrong.

Yes Liberals and Media you have killed our Country.

Liberals bullying kids. Sad!

Lmao AP said black religious sect. I guess they didn’t see the full video

The media is 100 percent at fault if someone gets hurt because of the lie they spread about the incident!

Covington needs to stand tall against the religion bigots. Evidence refutes any wrongdoing. They want to force an apology which they then will say proves guilt. Don’t do it. If they are a threat to the school and students then police need to do their job.

Wondering if this is another move by the PR firm to garner sympathy.

I love the State liberal and conservative show keep me entertained.

The picture below the same school isnt that how people with small penises masturbate? Only need the thumb and forefinger for ultimate pleasure

I bet their boys make them so proud

See what you participated in AP? You not only caused a great amount of stress for students, staff and parents. You also inspired people to take actions that are hateful and therefore sinful.

America is under attack. It’s called information warfare. It’s sole aim: DIVISION. Dems GOP Trump

I hope the whole place goes under.


You mean as the left wing media smeared them before getting the full story. Great that native vet served in Vietnam when he was 14

I feel sorry for the boys. One forgets they are just BOYS. I don’t feel sorry for the chaperones. If they work for the school they need to be fired. If they were volunteers they need to be kicked in the butt for bad judgement, losing control & letting things get out of hand.


Organization calling themseles the Black Hebrew Israelites went up 2 kids waitng 4 the bus calling them crackers, fgs whres. The Native A. group apporached the kids to which a N.A. started yelling at kids 'Go Back 2 Europe.' CatholicTwitter

Catholics are having their issues.

And ***W E A T H E R *** Virtually all schools in the Tri-State Area closed today or had a delayed start due to weather. I applaud their professional PR team for shrewdly using this. 😂

Is this saga still really newsworthy? The US government is melting down but 'some kids were rude to a Native American' has had days of news cycle.

I am as in raged at the actions of the students from that school in Washington DC but acting as they did is no way to address the problem. I a retired Cardinal of the church (I’ve known) who resides in the archdiocese to offer some suggestions having taken students to DC 10 yrs

How come no one has condemned the black Hebrew Israelites who were harassing and saying hateful racist things to the group of minors for an hour as they waited for the bus?

Another buzzfeed hater of christians.

Let’s be clear, they shut the school down due to FakeNews published by and other so called news organizations.

They were there for a pro-life March and one little B had the temerity to say to a girl, it’s not rape if you enjoy it. Great Catholic teaching.

And one can be heard yelling—“rape isn’t rape if you like it.” Such poor excuses for human beings.

Good. Hope those boys enjoy a few days away from the madness of the Leftwing hate machine.

Another example of the KAVANAUGH AFFECT

Smh at folks who rush to demonize high school boys over a short video clip but shrug their shoulders at the hundreds of social media vigilantes who threaten those same kids with physical harm.

You spelled 'death threats' wrong.

Edited videos are shameful. Show the people what really happened.

The black folks were wrong and so were these white Kidd and the adults with them. They should have encountered racism by the racist ass black folks, and they shouldn’t have oartipsyed either. The Native American was just trying to calm everyone.

Throw the entire school away

Christian orgs are tax exempt & shldn't be politically minded so it should be shut for an investigation anyway. The attended rally was acceptable imo (not that I think it's right) but once the chaperones let them run around as a gang in MAGA hats it became a questionable matter.

Why ? They did nothing wrong

PamelaMonke1 The 'Black' Hebrew Israelites?! a group of count them 3-4 - Yet another way to divide us. Why so few and so loud there at just the right time to cause this? Read trump/Russia recent articles on Israeli firm Mueller is investigating Wikistrat?Putin, mafia, extreme Rt

Overhaul now Pontifex please please please

And don’t forget shoddy journalism! That’s the main cause

The left would exterminate conservatives is they were able. Make no mistake, they are rabid animals that are spinning out of control. Not even children are off limits. If your conservative buy more guns and more ammo. The mob might be at your door next.

The Left is completely unhinged. I’ve never been so disgusted and embarrassed in fellow Americans in my life.

Where was the lefts outrage when this mob attacked a man on Chicago’s subway Doesn’t fit the narrative I guess

Honestly why aren’t more people concerned about the fact that this school is shuttling these boys into politically charged spaces wearing MAGA hats?


The Black Hebrew Israelites are less of a religious group and more of a hate group. Did you miss the s*** they yelled at the 14 year old black kid?

davematt88 Two wrongs, in any event, do not make a right. The Church has its problems, but attacking these kids sure-as-hell isn’t a wise path.

That black religious group are terrorists😀

How predictable, when whites are in trouble by there own doing don't forget to blame the blacks

FCN2go so let's just keep putting it out here so everybody sees what you guys wanted to see on the headlines and they got to click on it to read the story which is b*******

Really? Then why is it listed as a weather closing? 'Other schools were also closed due to inclement weather, and Covington Catholic High appeared on WKRC’s school closure list — but the weather was not mentioned in Rowe’s statement.'

Kids did nothing wrong. This is yet another example of how the internet reacts without facts. Shame on the countless idiots who perpetuated a false narrative without regard for children.

As different people post videos, and pictures that exposes more of their sad behavior while in DC they were not perfect angels that is where their parents and adult chaperones failed and their schools is being called a breeding ground for misogynists and white privileged behavior

Shut them down permanently

Thanks to the media...

By fallout do you mean the entire school being exposed for the horrible garbage pile that it is?

Playing the victim at the advice of McConnells PR company.

They shouted it’s not rape if you enjoy it.

I hope their will never open up their Nazi campus

'Christians' once again making me happy and proud to be an Atheist.

Although other schools in area closed for weather. Anyone who knows catholic schools knows they shut for weather at the drop of a hat.

You mean the lie you, MSM, told about them. Really after all that, you still are not going to report accurate news. Wow.

Nice to see that the press finally recognizes that the racist, homophobic and misogynistic black religious sect even EXISTS.

Now they playing victim after they came out looking like they were mocking the Native Americans. They not from here so they didnt know that mocking Native Americans was kinda racist shows how little they know or understand.

Hmm, is this photo related?. CNN did run a story to correct their rush to judgment but I do not think it aired in prime time. The boys were not the aggresors here, it was the other two groups. But then many of those boys were wearing MAGA hats, sooo, yeah.

I was glaggened by the offer of the Elder to come and have a discussion about diversity and tolerance. This might be a teaching moment for these boys, but it won't work if their parents won't stop sheltering them.

As a resident of the DMV anyone visiting should know this...The Black Israelites Go Hard! They always out there s and waking there gospel. Sounds like those MAGA hat wearing folk couldn't handle it.

A black hate group.

Charge the student perpetrators with HATE CRIMES let them explain to the judge their reprehensible behaviors! and then expel them from school. All you have to do is observe the facial expressions and body language of the aggressive, threatening students...says it all.

they did it for the 4 day weekend

Not sure if a 'womp womp' or 'thoughts and prayers' would be more appropriate here. One would think, being a 'Catholic' school, they would have the 'thoughts and prayers' covered already. But I guess they figured that wasn't enough ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Sad...thank the MSM!

Yeah, they are the victims..... typical Catholic response.

Good, now the kids can go to public school.

first rule of holes, AP, is stop digging

Catholic boys school... Bet a lot of fellatio goes on there. And that's before the priests show up!

What a shame a bunch of kids were harassed & then turned into villains. If we had any honest reporters instead of fairytale “journalists” protecting special interests, the whole video would have been shown ... or maybe it wouldn’t have been a news item at all.

it wasn't an encounter. it was a political stunt perpetrated by seasoned activist and teenagers.

They should shut down their white supremacy


They shut down because the ignorance of their students and chaperones. Their hate has now created a hate against them. How does it feel to be in fear of someone hurting u? U should understand how U made ppl feel that day, but ur ignorance will prevent u from learning from this.

Right. They also get a day off.

Probably more to do with the snow still blanketing KY. A lot of schools are closed

blame the black jews

Just get to the truth. That young man has a right to support Trump, but what Trump is encouraging is for our young people to be haters of the human race

You forgot media smears and lies and blue check death threats. You hacks.

Your school should not be so political,why were they wearing these political inspired hats ?

The black religious sect were the instigators of the whole thing. Leave the kids alone.

All he did was act kind of douchey, they didn't kill anybody. Perspective people.

Awesome...get involved in politics pay the price- like PAY TAXES

Shut it down for good. It has a history of allowing its students to disrespect those who don’t look like them.

What a complete shit show, if the white kids tormented the black kids their would b rioting in the streets whiteshaveclass

The crazy liberals on here are so butt-hurt from being wrong on this issue the only thing they can do now is insult children.

Maybe if these boys spent more time around girls they wouldn't be such a bunch of wankers

Shut it down and send these poor kids to public schools so they can learn to be tolerant, functioning members of society before it’s too late (it’s too late)

Left Wing Hate rears it's ugly head, once again! Ongoing campaign of Hate and Fake to promote flawed agenda. So anyone will be Doxed?

The news reporter who sesationalized this story should be tar and feathered and then run out of the country strapped onto a donkey. Time to start holding the news media accountable for their actions.

now the boys are not in school but roaming the streets in packs again?!!

Why do you refer to the Black Hebrew Israelites, a deranged hate group comprised of racists, anti-semites and homophobes, as a “black religious sect?” What’s the deal with the euphemistic language?

I keep seeing that word used, 'fallout'. Can you explain what fallout is referring to in the context of a school being closed and police stationed there? Thank you.

They had to shutdown the school because of threats against the school & students. The so called tolerant left

When the hell is my home state going make the headlines for something that isn’t a fuck up

On the bigger picture and because the race theme never dies here’s a genuine question: Imagine that the Europeans never came to America or that Africans or Asians had been the colonizers. What would America look like?

Shame on us adults for not doing a better job supporting these kids when they needed us most. Please God forgive us and give us the strength to do better.

Yay. Bizarre that unisex schools are legal anyway.

Let me just fix that for you: High School forced to close because of leftist threats against the lives of children.

'had intervened between the boys and the religious sect, at a moment when the teens seemed to be getting rowdier and the black street preacher with a megaphone who had been making racist statements against both groups was escalating his rhetoric.' Black religious sect or hate grp

The press and all the left juice-bags that—once again—acted as judge and jury. And the morons reading their FakeNews stories are now threatening the lives of the students and parents. The pen is mightier than the sword, some of the idiots on Twitter should remember that!

These boys need to hire some of Trump's 'Fired Lawyers; to have chance,since their the best at lying,though they may have to pass on the one's being indicted?

The name of the 'Black Religious Sect' is the Black Hebrew Israelites. Considering the insults they slew at those kids while they were waiting for their field trip school buses, closing down the school was a good idea. The Media sucks for endangering these kids. 'Sue them all'

Even after the confrontation turned out to be false?

Homophobic black sect group

The schools in the area are closed due to weather. Also there is another video of boys saying it’s not rape if you like it... time to hold kids accountable. I would have been punished for the disrespect these kids showed. Accountability and learning to be humble is impt.

I'm sure thoughts and prayers would keep them safe

Edit: Due to radical liberals threatening the school with violence, the campus was forced to close

Now, Covington Catholic High School needs to have it’s tax exempt status revoked for participating in political activities wearing political attire. In addition, Cultural sensitivity classes should be added to the curriculum.

The boys are not totally innocent. This isn’t the first issue like this for this school.

I can't decide if I should reply 'womp womp' or 'thoughts and prayers.'

I corrected it for you - Covington Catholic High School shut down its campus Tuesday as a precaution to the death threats towards white students who stood up to racist Native American marchers & black supremacists outside the Lincoln Memorial last week.

you forgot to include the black people who were yelling racially charged insults at those 'white' teenagers....or would that destroy your race baiting narrative?

Be best Covington

Fallout More like death threats from crazy violent liberals

they should shut down longer

They closed school today due to deranged leftist protesters who have already called for violence against the students!!

A march to support a man who lied. StandWithConvington

This whole evil lie makes me sick.

But they must be armed? This 'I'm scared' is for Trump to retweet. No. Treat them as domestic terrorists that they are. That is the truth.

Fake media

I would be worried if the school didn't have a shutdown with how many people were calling for shooting up the school because the Media published Lies, without fact checking anything. Sorry but the Media needs to own up to your problem, you folks are trying to get kids killed.

Libs are crazy as hell.

I pray the Catholic Church and their schools will stop attacking and harassing women and calling it religion. And grooming their male youth to do the same. There. You’re welcome.

Good time for the administration to be investigated I'd say!

School is closed due to ongoing threats resulting from irresponsible reporting of an incident that never occurred. Continued harassment & threats against students & school should be prosecuted as anti-Catholic hate crimes. FBI CovingtonBoysVindicated

Disgusting biased racist reporting! Tell the truth!

You immature brats are very proud of yourselves aren’t you? Picking on teenagers who were waiting for a bus. I would’ve liked to seen their parents there protecting them from the radical “indigenous” people and black racists who were harassing them. Media would’ve twisted that to

Thoughts (you guys should already have the prayers part covered)

That's a good start. Now shutdown the entire Catholic organization.

Violent left out of control.

Democrats hate group attacks kids vote the bums out

because of the lying, hateful, racist, Biased MEDIA ! CNN MSNBC

The group of black Israelites were calling the boys homophobic slurs and calling America a nation that protects f_ggots. If it was white men, Westboro, they would have been all over the media. Because they were black they've been ignored by MSM and the LGBTQ community.


The Covington Kids did nothing wrong.

And the fact it was a school sponsored trip to disrupt the march. While wearing MAGA hats. They should be permanently shut down.

They should shut it down permanently. They are not teaching any worthwhile values.

This is so very sad. CovingtonCatholicHighSchool StandWithCovingtonCatholic


It is not a 'black religious sect'.... it is a group of black supremacists.

You forgot misogynist harassment.

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