'Bill Bus' heads north as Shorten's Qld campaign continues | Sky News Australia

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Bill Shorten's Queensland campaigning continues, with the 'Bill Bus' heading north on the fifth day of Labor's nine day tour.


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Labor party/sky news Australia

Roll out the spikes

I know we pay for it, but you don't have to rub it in our faces by dubbing it the Bill Bus.

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Leaders hit Queensland campaign trail | Sky News AustraliaPrime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten are hitting the campaign trail in Queensland, with both leaders set to announce major funding plans. \n\nThe Prime Minister will announce $60 million in funding for James Cook University's Cairns Tropical Enterprise Centre.\n\nThe future world-class research facility will be built in the Cairns University Hospital Precinct and will free up 150 beds.\n\nMr Shorten is expected to announce plans to back local companies boosting their chances of winning multi-million dollar government contracts.\n\nImage: News Corp Australia\n\n\n\n\n billshortenmp Trickle Down Economics has resulted in the workers being undervalued, unappreciated and exploited!A Trickle Down Economy can never exist because it is just an illusion for what in reality is a Trickle Up Economy with the Top End of Town soaking up every available dollar and cent. billshortenmp just words and nothing more. Promise the world and deliver nothing but debt and false promises. Australia will regret for generations to come giving this parasite the keys. billshortenmp Rudd and Gillard funded car manufacturing and didn’t buy the cars.All gone.Shorten hasn’t a clue.
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