Leaders hit Queensland campaign trail | Sky News Australia

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Prime Minister ScottMorrisonMP and Opposition Leader billshortenmp are hitting the campaign trail in Queensland, with both leaders set to announce major funding plans.


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billshortenmp spending your money = taking more money off YOU via HIGHER TAXES

billshortenmp No they won't. The only interests which will be served by a Labor Govt are those of their union masters. It can't be any other way. newsday

billshortenmp They used to do it in the 70's, and all it did was make everything cost more.

billshortenmp By raping the treasury. We will be paying this off for years, just like still paying for Rudd and Gillard. And what procurement, more pink batts, and throw in 10 immigrants per small business.

billshortenmp Who or what is an ‘everyday’ Australian? Are there any ‘every other day’ Australians or perhaps ‘once a month’ Australians?

billshortenmp Rudd and Gillard funded car manufacturing and didn’t buy the cars.All gone.Shorten hasn’t a clue.

billshortenmp just words and nothing more. Promise the world and deliver nothing but debt and false promises. Australia will regret for generations to come giving this parasite the keys.

billshortenmp Trickle Down Economics has resulted in the workers being undervalued, unappreciated and exploited!A Trickle Down Economy can never exist because it is just an illusion for what in reality is a Trickle Up Economy with the Top End of Town soaking up every available dollar and cent.

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Education Education Latest News, Education Education Headlines