Researchers identify a potential therapeutic target for advanced multiple sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis News

Sclerosis,Animal Model,Cell

Researchers from Kyushu University have identified a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of advanced multiple sclerosis (MS), a potentially disabling condition associated with the central nervous system.

Kyushu UniversityJul 25 2024 Researchers from Kyushu University have identified a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of advanced multiple sclerosis , a potentially disabling condition associated with the central nervous system.

In a 2013 study, researchers from Kyushu University, including Associate Professor Ryo Yamasaki from the Faculty of Medical Sciences, found that the production of Cx43 was increased in supportive cells called astroglia, near chronic MS lesions. As mentioned earlier, Cx43 is essential for cell-to-cell signaling and plays a key role in modulating the immune system.

The researchers conducted an extensive series of experiments in an experimental mouse model of MS and in cultured astroglia cells from the mouse model, to understand the effects of Cx43 blockade. The results of these tests and analyses were quite consistent, suggesting that INI-0602 could not only suppress the overproduction of Cx43 in astroglia, but also mitigate many of the hallmark features of MS, including demyelination and excessive immune cell infiltration into the nervous system.


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