MSBSD readies for students, as staff begin to trickle in to schools

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

MSBSD superintendent Randy Trani said the district has no real concerns going into the 2024-25 school year, with both bus driver staffing levels and teacher vacancy numbers looking promising.

7-23-24 Hello! It is with immense gratitude that I am saying goodbye to you all. I am filled with so much joy knowing I had the best job in the world for two years: telling your stories - because all of you have a story! Thanks to a wonderful news director, Tracy Sabo, and general manager, Nancy Johnson, I was able just to be me, which was letting you be you. It’s been a dream come true.

According to data provided by the agency, there are currently nearly 15,000 green card holders in Alaska who are eligible to become U.S. citizens.The state will not be filing criminal charges against an Anchorage Police Department Sergeant and two officers involved in the fatal shooting of a 21-year-old man on June 3.


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Education Education Latest News, Education Education Headlines