Federal lawsuit alleges Waxahachie ISD engages in ‘discriminatory' discipline customs along racial, ethnic lines

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Waxahachie News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

A federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Dallas accuses a North Texas school district of unfairly applying disciplinary action based on race.

The lawsuit claims Black and Latino students have been disproportionately receiving harsher punishments, than their white classmates within the Waxahachie Independent School District.The lawsuit centers on the allegations of two WISD students who say they represent a deep-rooted issue within the district.

The girls claim to be victims of persistent bullying and unfair punishment leveled by their schools.Aggression, they claim, that not only went unchecked despite being reported to school officials but when it escalated into physical fights, attorneys claim these girls were sent to off-campus detention while their alleged bullies got little to no punishment.

Repeated appeals by her parents were unsuccessful with the school saying claims of bullying were ‘not substantiated.’ The legal team also claims their research and open records requests have uncovered a disturbing pattern within the district. “To learn from the court has learned that what has happened to my daughter isn't an isolated incident is very disturbing,” said Jefferson-Townsend’s mother Leslie Jefferson.“Latino and Black students are disciplined at a disproportionately high rate when compared to their white counterparts,” said Laux.Nearly 39% of the student population is Latino, 38% is white, and 17% is Black.

“We're asking the court to then enjoin or prohibit the district from further applying these policies in unconstitutional ways,” said Laux.


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