San Jose Unified school board calls special meeting to vote on $1.2 million facilities bond

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

If the board approves the resolution, the measure will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot, where it will need support from 55% of local voters to pass.

San Jose Unified School District Board of Education President Wendi Mahaney-Gurahoo during a meeting at San Jose City Hall in San Jose, Calif., on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023. San Jose Unified School District’s board of education called for a special board meeting Thursday night to determine the fate of a $1.2 million school facilities bond measure.

The district said the money could go toward repairing existing facilities and providing affordable housing for teachers. A $10 billion state school facilities bond for repairs and upgrades already is slated for the November ballot. If approved, K-12 schools across the state would receive $8.5 billion to improve school facilities and community colleges would receive $1.5 billion.

But “the district cannot rely on the state of California to fund school facility improvements,” the San Jose Unified resolution said.


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