5 Summer Activities ER Doctors Wouldn't Let Their Own Kids Do

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Summer News

Safety,Outdoor Recreation,Water Safety

Kelsey Borresen is a senior reporter at HuffPost Life, covering love, sex and relationships. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and lives in Los Angeles.

is hopefully a season for kids to spend lots of time playing outside, enjoying pools, parks, beaches, trails and other outdoor spaces.

“There’s a lot of movement with the waves, and it is easy for a child to get lost and drown in it,” Orajiaka explained. “Movements in these pools may be missed as a child having fun and not able to easily detect one who is in danger. No child should go into the wave pool alone, regardless of how old. And kids should not play in a wave pool when there is no lifeguard.”were treated in U.S. emergency departments for bicycle-related injuries between 2006 and 2015.

Children should not ride on a lawn mower, even with an adult, nor should they play outside while an adult is operating a mower. In fact, a 2023 study from the university found that the most serious mower-related injuries in kids happened whento hit the mower’s blades and be propelled into the air, which can lead to eye or other facial injuries, Orajiaka noted.


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