Young men learn important life skills at MPD's Blue Ties for Guys camp

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

The boys spent the day learning things like how to shake hands, the importance of showing respect, and how to tie a tie.

) -Ten young men ages 13-15 got a hands-on lesson on some essential life skills at the Mobile Police Department’s Family Intervention Team’s Blue Ties for Guys camp.

The boys spent the day with members of local law enforcement and Bishop State men’s basketball coach Trent Eager learning some etiquette skills that aren’t taught in school. Things like how to shake hands, the importance of showing respect, and how to tie a tie. “Since we don’t learn it in school, we can still rely on other people in the world to help us with that,” said Captain Munnerlyn.“The rise of crime within the youth as well as gangs that are in the city and we want to help deter that with a group so if we can reach one or two that can soon spread to many,” said Mobile police officer Roderick Cotton.

“I love their gestures; I love all of it. I love that they came out and they said some words to us, encouraged us and put lasting memories in our mind,” said Grayson Lee.


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