'We are fighting for the future': VP Kamala Harris addresses teachers' union in Texas

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

HOUSTON, Texas - The 2024 election will come with critical consequences for public education, and today, we got our first look at some of the policies Vice Pres

by Jordan Elder, Photojournalist Chris Martinez"We are fighting for the future": VP Kamala Harris addresses teachers' union in Texas

The crowd waved signs reading "Kamala Harris for President" on one side and "Thank You, President Biden" on the other.Harris noted that the AFT was the first union to endorse her when she began her Presidential campaign. "What are we gonna do together to make things better? How are we gonna treat each other with dignity and respect?" Capo asked. "There's a very clear line that people have to pick which side they're on."Harris told the crowd that this election is a fight for fundamental freedoms.Gov. Greg Abbott responded to Harris' visit on X, saying "Biden’s 'Border Czar' is in Houston today.

Willie Ng, who served on the Secret Service Task Force while he was with the San Antonio Police Department, says this is going to be the new norm for event spaces and the surrounding areas. He says big events like this are tough to secure, but since the November election is rapidly approaching, they're unlikely to slow down now.


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Education Education Latest News, Education Education Headlines