Mother of schoolboy who walked 50km home after losing bus ticket says family still reeling

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Ewn News

Ewn News,News,Eyewitness News

Lifalethu Mbasana - who attends Simon's Town Primary School - was left stranded in the area on Monday when he wasn't allowed on his bus without a ticket.

CAPE TOWN - The mother of an 11-year-old school boy who walked about 50 kilometres from Simon's Town to Khayelitsha after losing his bus ticket says her family is still reeling from the ordeal.

His worried mother, Siba Mbasana, took to social media to post a photo of her missing child, who was meant to take the 14:30 bus from Simon's Town to his home in Makhaza, Khayelitsha. “The driver told him to get out of the bus because he is wasting his time, if he doesn't have a ticket, he must get off the bus. He had to step out of the bus, leaving his two younger siblings to go home by themselves."


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