Alabama universities shutter DEI offices to comply with new state law

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Politics News

Diversity,Equity And Inclusion,Race And Ethnicity

The three University of Alabama System campuses have shuttered diversity, equity and inclusion offices_ and shifted staff and functions to new programs

The three University of Alabama System campuses on Tuesday shuttered diversity, equity and inclusion offices— and opened new offices — to comply with aThe University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, along with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Alabama in Huntsville,

The law defines DEI programs as classes, training, programs and events where attendance is based on a person’s race, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin or sexual orientation. Each university said the new offices will focus on student success. , has opened. The new division will be led by Christine Taylor, the university vice president and associate provost who had previously led the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts on campus.

“This is a new office with a new, exciting function, focusing on what we can do to promote success for everyone in the UAB community,” UAB President Ray L. Watts said in a statement.DEI offices and diversity training programs have taken place in other GOP-dominated states. Republicans say the programs deepen divisions promote a particular political viewpoint. But opponents say it is a rollback of hard-won advances and programs that welcome underrepresented student populations.


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