Former Teachers Share Why They Retired

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

'Society doesn't value education because if it did, parents would do their part, schools would be funded equitably, and teachers wouldn't have to purchase their own supplies.'

spoke out about why they left teaching, and some of the explanations shocked me. Here are stories from former teachers that might leave you feeling surprised and disappointed in the education system — but also super appreciative of those still in the field:"I retired after 23 years in the profession. When I taught second grade, students didn't even know how to spell their last names or recite their addresses.

""After 40 years of teaching in elementary schools, I will be retiring in 2025! I have put my heart and soul into this profession from the beginning, and I've always tried to design my teaching style to what is best for my students. Believe me — students and parents have definitely changed over the course of my teaching career. If I were to sum it up, it's the lack of RESPECT. There's a lack of respect for teachers, common-sense rules, and oneself.


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