Dear Abby: I’ve yet to meet my girlfriend in person, if we marry, do you think it will last?

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@River News


We have both been divorced twice. We both are Christian and educated. I’m a physician; she’s a teacher.

Dear Abby: I’ve yet to meet my girlfriend in person, if we marry, do you think it will last?DEAR ABBY: I’m a Chinese man born in the United States. My girlfriend, whom I’ve yet to meet in person, lives in China and is 24 years younger than I am. We’re awaiting approval of paperwork with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. We have both been divorced twice. She has a grown son in his 30s in Japan. My two children are in their 50s and self-sufficient.

DEAR HOPING: Are you ABSOLUTELY certain that this woman is who she says she is? Many people have been duped by someone they met on the internet. Have you discussed this with your adult children, who might be more tech-savvy?


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