Tucson Boys and Girls Clubs offer after-school programs for the new school year

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Bri Pacelli is KGUN 9's Eastside reporter. Send your story ideas to Bri at bri.pacelli@kgun9.com.

TUCSON, Ariz. — With the new school year right around the corner, many parents are seeking childcare solutions. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson are stepping in with after-school programs designed to provide a safe space for children to learn, play, and grow.

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson offer over 40 national programs focused on healthy lifestyles, academic success, and character and leadership. “Our after-school program primarily focuses on academic success,” said Denise Watters, CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson. “Every day there’s a power hour where we spend an hour doing homework with the kids. We also have other programs and some Saturday activities.”

In addition to providing a safe environment, the clubs also assist families with transportation. “Our demographics show that the kids in our clubhouses are from single-parent homes,” Watters said. “We understand parents can't leave work in the middle of the day to transport their children, so we handle that.”

Children at the clubs appreciate the opportunities provided. “I love the opportunities they give me and I feel like a better person after I leave the club,” said Alissa Machado. They say the club not only provides them with more opportunities, but also with more friends. “It’s fun to socialize with people and find others who relate to you,” added Chloe Budish.----


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