After the Great Valley social media scandal, we must balance free speech with ‘digital citizenship’

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Great-Valley-School-District-Tiktok News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

When is a student’s online activity so disruptive — or so threatening — that a school should punish it? That’s the big question. And we should be asking our students to help answer it.

After students made 22 TikTok accounts impersonating their teachers in the Great Valley School District, we should ask young people to help educators make new rules around online behavior, Jonathan Zimmerman writes.I don’t know. But here’s what I do know: We’ll never craft good policies around online student speech unless we listen to what students have to say.last Monday, angry community members said the board should have taken more punitive action against the offending students.

Levy’s vulgar Snapchat post did neither, Breyer wrote. But schools could penalize online behavior involving “serious or severe bullying or harassment targeting particular individuals” or “threats aimed at teachers or other individuals,”last Monday, Great Valley could discipline the students who made the fake videos. I agree.

That same year, a Florida judge said a school couldn’t discipline a student for creating a Facebook page devoted to criticizing her least favorite teacher. The page “did not cause any disruption on campus, and was not lewd, vulgar, threatening, or advocating illegal or dangerous behavior,”So when is a student’s online activity so disruptive — or so threatening — that a school should punish it? That’s the big question. And we should be asking our students — not just their teachers — to answer it.


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