Toughest places in the UK to be a girl and young woman revealed

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Women News


A children's charity has investigated a number of factors such as education, poverty, health, violence and voice

A children's charity, Plan International UK has investigated a number of factors which can impact the lives of girls throughout the country. This includes their education, poverty, health, violence, and voice.

Nationwide, nearby North East Lincolnshire was the toughest community to be a girl in the country, with a ranking score of 69.07 out of 100. East Dunbartonshire, just north of Glasgow in Scotland, was ranked as the best place to be a girl with a score of 79.74, which was still classed as "room for improvement".

The charity also said there had been “some progress to support girls and young women” since its last report in 2020, but added that "too much has stayed the same".


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