Ben Ross’s relieved mum reveals what will happen to £4,000 GoFundMe donations after Brit student is found i...

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Mum of latest missing Brit 'petrified' (1)

BRIT Ben Ross's relieved mum has revealed how the money donated to her family will be spent after the student was found safe in Majorca.More than 150 people had donated £3,800 on Ben's GoFundMe page to help his desperate mum in her search to find him

"Donations to the GoFundMe that was set up by friends will be donated to Andy’s Man Club once they arrive home over the next week."until he can sort out an emergency passport to get back to the UK with his mum saying he needs to be at "full strength" before they fly home.His last contact with his mum was a "peculiar" email indicating his mental health declined after being robbed at the beach and then falling out with flatmates.

No other details have been released yet other than that Ben was suffering from dehydration and exhaustion. Felix then went to the station and refused to leave until an officer took a formal statement from her.She was told by the GMP that details about the case would be passed on to Interpol and the British consulate in Spain.

Felix added: "It doesn't feel real. I’ve followed the procedure that’s on the Gov website, and I’ve begged them for help to get nowhere.


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