Bangladesh to formally accept court ruling on civil job quotas amid pause in protests

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Bangladesh News

Student Protests

Bangladesh's government is set to publish in its formal records its acceptance of the Supreme Court's ruling to lower quotas for government jobs. This would meet a key demand from student protesters, whose demonstrations have sparked one of the country's worst outbreaks of violence.

Bangladesh's government is set to publish in its formal records its acceptance of the Supreme Court's ruling to lower quotas for government jobs. This would meet a key demand from student protesters, whose demonstrations have sparked one of the country's worst outbreaks of violence. An unofficial count puts the death toll at around 174. The military said relative calm is back, but stressed that the security situation is not entirely under control.

Bangladesh's government is set to publish in its formal records its acceptance of the Supreme Court's ruling to lower quotas for government jobs. This would meet a key demand from student protesters, whose demonstrations have sparked one of the country's worst outbreaks of violence. An unofficial count puts the death toll at around 174. The military said relative calm is back, but stressed that the security situation is not entirely under control.


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