The 1986 F1 lesson that will overshadow's Jaguar Formula E joy

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

OPINION: Jaguar fulfilled its ambition to win the Formula E teams’ championship in London, but letting the drivers’ crown slip through its fingers could prove detrimental to the squad's longer-term harmony

A maiden Formula E title after eight years and the first world championship success for Jaguar since 1991, when it achieved victory in the sportscar world, should have been the headlines from last weekend’s London E-Prix season finale. Instead, the Big Cat ended the season with its tail somewhat between its legs having thrown away the chance of the drivers’ championship, with both Nick Cassidy and Mitch Evans coming up short.

In the opening Shanghai race in May, Cassidy had been told to sit behind Evans in the closing stages despite having more energy, so that his team-mate could attack Wehrlein, who was leading. Evans won with a last-lap overtake, but Cassidy was left in third and wondering what might have been.


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