A Denver entrepreneur’s new app connects neighbors with extra food to people in need

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Megan Ulu-Lani Boyanton reports on the business beat at The Denver Post. Previously, she worked in Washington, D.C., as a Capitol Hill reporter at Bloomberg Government, covering agriculture and trade policy. Megan received her master's in mass communication from Arizona State University.

When John Akinboyewa studied at the Colorado School of Mines for his engineering degrees, he recalled digging in the couch for change to afford a 99-cent meal at Taco Bell or McDonald’s — coming to $1.08 with tax. The logo used for the Hungree app, which has launched in Denver to curb food insecurity and prevent waste.

The app can be used to arrange very small-scale and extremely large-scale food distribution, Akinboyewa added. If an office staffer has 25 leftover sandwiches after an event, then that user can post the food items in their village and alert others to the surplus.He’s developed the app to protect user privacy, keep track of food donations, avoid lines at food pickups and more. In its beta phase, the app granted access to 500 invite-only users across six cities in four countries — the U.S.

Now, he’s watching his strategy work in real time. A local steakhouse manager listed leftover meals on the app — three servings of steak and vegetables — and another user picked them up to hand out to people experiencing homelessness, Akinboyewa said. Akinboyewa wants to connect with local businesses and feature them on the app, too. He’s looking for financial backing that lets him roll it out on a larger scale.


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