Golden Arrow Bus Service suspends driver for leaving 11-year-old stranded

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Ewn News

Ewn News,News,Eyewitness News

The 11-year-old boy, who attends Simon's Town Primary School, apparently lost his bus ticket on Monday.

CAPE TOWN - The Golden Arrow Bus Service has confirmed that a driver has been suspended after a primary school child was left stranded in the Simon's Town area.

His worried mother took to social media to post a photo of her missing child, saying he was meant to take the 2.30pm bus from Simon's Town to Makhaza in Khayelitsha but wasn't allowed on the bus without his ticket. "Golden Arrow can confirm that it is company policy to assist uniformed scholars in situations where they have lost their gold cards and that the driver, who failed to do so, has been suspended. We have also undertaken to review all of our mechanisms which are related to lost scholar tickets and to ensure that protocol is followed in such cases," said Golden Arrow's Bronwen Dyke-Beyer.


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