Superintendent says 4-day week is game changer for Greater Cincinnati school district

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Four-Day School Week News

Teacher Burnout,North College Hill,Superintendent Eugene Blalock

North College Hill City Schools began preparing for year two as the only district in Ohio with a four-day school week.

NORTH COLLEGE HILL, Ohio – Blalock said following the pandemic teachers were calling off or calling it quits because they were burned out and district leaders struggled to fill the gap.They found what teachers needed was more time.

During the 2023-2024 school year, absenteeism declined, fewer teachers quit and recruitment improved. Absenteeism among teachers dropped from 33% during the 2022-2023 school year to 11% during the 2023-2024 school year.“Based off our diagnostic information and the things that we do, our short-term assessments show our students are faring better than they were or at the same level. We definitely are not seeing a decrease as far as academics or we didn’t see it last year," said Blalock.Students used the day off for self-guided work and anyone who needed extra help could still come in.

Teachers still work five days a week, but Monday is a full planning day. Kids attend school Tuesday through Friday.


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