Yul Edochie: ‘I regret sponsoring Judy Austin’s university education’

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

“They said they could terminate me anytime, and no one would stop them. For ten years, they've been threatening to kill me if I speak out. I've been patient, but now, ten years is enough”.

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It’s essential to acknowledge that news production incurs expenses, and we take pride in never placing our stories behind a prohibitive paywall.Open in WhatsApp “I should have known this before anyone else, but because of the kind of love we shared with the tenants, everyone was too afraid to tell me. So, nobody knew that our marriage would collapse. They didn’t want to tell me the truth because they were unsure of my reaction. After they confirmed that the marriage was over, all the truth started coming out,” Mr Obasi added.Ms Austin’s ex-husband further alleged she denied him access to their two children for over a decade since their divorce.

He stated that he had approached the court, a human rights activist office, and the police station, but his efforts were unsuccessful. ”I saw Yul Edochie for the very first time. I mean, I saw him for the very first time years after my previous marriage ended. So, anyone saying otherwise is lying. If I am telling the truth, let all the curses and insults go back to the people saying it a billion times over’’.


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