Under-6s 'passed from school to school' as exclusions soar - one headteacher is bucking the trend

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Parents of children at risk of being excluded tell Sky News one school's decision to ban the practice has turned their lives around. Exclusions are at a record high - with one charity saying 'something is seriously wrong' for so many six-year-olds to be barred from school.

Shelley Jackson's son is yet to finish primary school - but until recently, she worried he would be kicked out of school before that could happen. Shelley would receive daily phone calls about her son's behaviour. The phone calls would tell her 'he was dysregulated, he was out of class, he was up a tree'. 'The behaviour became worse and worse, and he was trying to abscond from the school,' she tells Sky News.

From lashing out to being 'full of beans' Karlie Greenleaves and Barry Hopkins have seen a marked change in their year three son since the no-exclusion policy was implemented. 'He now loves school and is ready in the morning - for him it's all about a routine. 'Before he would be lashing out and not know how to communicate.' They say the difference comes from him being able to recognise how he feels loved.


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