Parent threatens teacher's daughter, accuses teacher of child abuse in S. Korea

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South Korea News


Fiction writers who use artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots end up churning out narratives that are more alike than those penned by people, according to a team of UK-based academics.

This photo provided by the Seoul branch of the Korean Federation of Teachers Unions shows the threatening letter sent by a parent of an elementary school student to her child's former teacher, warning the teacher that she had better keep reading if she"does not want anything bad to happen" to her daughter. - Photo: Screengrab courtesy of Korean Federation of Teachers Unions

It was also reported that the mother secretly recorded the teacher without her knowledge, which she used to blackmail her. She did not elaborate on other factors that led to her sending the letter but emphasised that her child was a model student. The teacher also filed for charges including coercion, false accusation and obstruction of the performance of official duties.


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