Kylo Ren's Force Stasis Power Was Secretly Another Connection to Darth Vader

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Split image collage of Darth Vader and his grandson Kylo Ren

Summary While it’s no secret that Star Wars' Kylo Ren was inspired by Darth Vader, Ben Solo's admiration for his grandfather went well beyond reverence and imitation. Indeed, in perhaps his most flattering move, Ren emulates one of Darth Vader’s most iconic Force powers.

So, it’s no surprise that when Kylo Ren, in the opening moments of Force Awakens, stops a blaster shot from Poe Dameron during the attack on Tuanul, fandom thought it had just witnessed a “new” Force power. But the reality is that the ability is a massive hat-tip back to Kylo's grandfather. Force Stasis Is A Versatile Ability That Vader Used Effectively This Little-Known But Practical Ability Might Have Been Vader's Best Move Close As it turned out, the power – which is known as Force Stasis - was not something new, but rather an ability that some users of the Force have exhibited since at least the Clone Wars.

Kylo Ren Was Deeply Influenced By His Idolization Of Darth Vader Ren Honors His Grandfather In a Powerfully Poignant Way Han Solo and Leia Organa might be Ben Solo's biological parents, but Vader is his true inspiration and the figure he seeks to emulate. Despite the wealth of experiences, advice, and examples of his father, mother, and uncle he could use as a basis from which to build out his own life, Ren instead chooses the example of his grandfather.


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