Equal Education wants corruption-accused Zizi Kodwa removed from education portfolio committee

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Equal Education has objected to the nomination of corruption-accused Zizi Kodwa to the basic education portfolio committee.

Businessman Jehan Mackay and former Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa in court. Image: X/Thabo Tshabalala

The former Sport, Arts and Culture Minister and his co-accused, businessman Jehan Mackay, were arrested on 5 June by the Hawks and later charged with corruption. Theon the same day, where they also faced charges of Contravention of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, emanating from the period between April 2015 to February 2016, when Kodwa was ANC national spokesperson.

“It would be an indictment on the ANC to overlook the significant scandal that has marred Kodwa’s career. He currently faces serious corruption charges relating to allegations that he received more than R1.7 million in bribes linked to influencing the awarding of government contracts. These charges raise grave concerns about his suitability for this role in the national legislature​.

August said Kodwa’s position on the basic education committee raises serious concerns about the efficacy of this resolution and its impact on the credibility of parliamentary oversight roles, the organisation emphasised.Further, Equal Education said that in the context of the Government of National Unity , where the new Minister of Basic Education is a deployee from the Democratic Alliance, the ANC holds significant oversight responsibilities.


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Education Education Latest News, Education Education Headlines