Vancouver teacher didn't make an 'emotionally safe space' for students: commissioner

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Teacher made inappropriate suggestions about two international students, according to the B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation.

The B.C. Commissioner for Teacher Regulation has reprimanded a Vancouver high school teacher and forced him to take a social justice course after making comments toward students that were deemed inappropriate.

First, Russell raised his voice to a student and told the student in front of their peers that they were not doing well in class. Russell also “said to another international student who was from Asia: ‘you must be tired from staying up all night doing karaoke.’” Finally, Russell “addressed two female students in Grade 9 as ‘darling’ and said in front of the class that they had ‘blossomed.’ Russell stated that he meant academically when he used the term blossomed, but this was not made clear to the students in his class.”


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