Junior doctors welcome 'positive' meeting with new health secretary Wes Streeting - but do not rule out further strikes

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Education Education Headlines News

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The British Medical Association (BMA) says Wes Streeting 'interested in learning what went wrong' - something they claim the previous government failed to do.

Junior doctors have refused to rule out further strike action despite having a 'positive' meeting with the new health secretary. Members of the British Medical Association met Wes Streeting on Tuesday morning where they discussed the industrial action junior doctors have been on for more than a year over pay and working conditions.

The union is expected to hold another ballot in August. On Tuesday morning, Mr Streeting said he would 'give it a good go' when asked if he would reach a pay agreement with the junior doctors to end industrial action. But appearing at an event at the Tony Blair Institute ahead of his morning meeting, Mr Streeting warned the government could not afford the 35% pay rise the junior doctors were demanding.


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