Daurah Hadis 40 2024: MOE’s initiative to enhance teachers’ appreciation

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Bernama News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

KANGAR: For the first time, the Ministry of Education (MOE) organised the national-level Daurah Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi 2024 programme, aiming to uphold ...

: For the first time, the Ministry of Education organised the national-level Daurah Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi 2024 programme, aiming to uphold Hadis teachings, enhance appreciation among teachers, and provide Muslim students with a reference for cultivating virtuous character.

According to her, the programme also aims to assist teachers in gaining a deeper appreciation and effectively teaching Muslim students about the module in their respective schools. He believed that if the hadith appreciation programme succeeds and becomes an educational legacy, it will be one of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s greatest contributions to the country’s education sector.

These schools will act as references for implementing the hadis appreciation programme at the state level, it said.


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