Sudbury’s food forests about education, sustainable harvest

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

With the fruits ripening at food forest across the city, Sudbury Shared Harvest and RBC Wealth Management are partnering to remind visitors to take a little, but learn a lot

With the harvest beginning to come in at Sudbury Shared Harvet’s food forest across the city, they’ve partnered with RBC Wealth Management’s Sudbury office to install signs that will help raise awareness about the areas and to encourage people to pick responsibly.

“Usually we have to go looking for financial support, but they came to us,” said Regenstreif in a release. “We’ve always said the products of the food forests are open for anyone to pick and that’s still true, but we want to remind people to be thoughtful of others and take only a small amount so more people will have an opportunity to taste some.”


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