Free school meal vouchers worth up to £120 to help thousands of parents over summer holidays ...

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Education Education Headlines News

Education Education Latest News,Education Education Headlines

Three key benefits that YOU could be missing out on, and one even gives you a free TV Licence

FREE food vouchers worth up to £120 per child will be given to thousands of struggling families to help them through the school summer holidays.

In Norfolk families in receipt of free school meals are eligible for a monthly voucher of £15 per child throughout the year, with an additional payment of £15 given during July and August. But in some cases you will be required to fill in a separate application, so if you're unsure you're eligible or haven't received support during previous school holidays check with your local council.Who qualifies and the level of support given is a postcode lottery, as each local authority can set its own criteria for distributing the funds.

You don't need to worry about additional support impacting existing benefits, as these will be unaffected by payments from the HSF.To get the help, you'll need to check with your council - as local authorities are in charge of distributing the funding.Jay Slater spotted ‘walking fast’ by owner of flat that Brit vanished from

This also applies if there is one adult and one student living together in a property, or if there is one adult and one person classed as severely mentally impaired in the home.


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